Paying Markets

My Gift Stop

My Gift Stop

"My Gift Stop is an online shop offering luxury goods that’s dedicated to giving back to society, donating 5% of every sale to the global medical relief nonprofit, Direct Relief. In a time where our schedules seem to become denser by the day, it is most common for things to slip our mind here and there - forgetting a gift is no different! This is where we come in! We made it our mission to offer you “present peace of mind!” last minute shopping on some of the world’s most popular brands at heavily discounted prices. That’s right, our online shop is the perfect shopping solution. Hence, we are looking for reputable contributors, like yourself, that can write great reviews, blog articles, gift guides, share contests, social media posts and more on your own websites, blogs and social media pages." Pays 7-10 days after publication. Usually publishes ms within 24 hours of acceptance. Guidelines by email. Pays $75.…

Points in Case

Points in Case

* THIS PUBLICATION USES SUBMITTABLE, WHICH CHARGES WRITERS TO SUBMIT THEIR WORK. * “Points in Case is a daily literary humor publication featuring enlightening and irreverent comedy from seasoned writers and fresh voices, since 1999.” Pays on publication. Publishes ms 2-7 days after acceptance. Buys First N.A. rights. No reprints. Responds in 10-14 days. Guidelines online. Pays $35/comedy article, and $10/funny list.…

The Massachusetts Review

The Massachusetts Review

“The Massachusetts Review, a literary magazine, promotes social justice and equality, along with great art. Committed to aesthetic excellence as well as public engagement, MR publishes literature and art that provokes debate, inspires action, and expands our understanding of the world around us.” Quarterly. Pays on publication. Publishes ms within 12 months of acceptance. Buys First N.A. rights. No reprints. Responds within six months. Guidelines online. Pays $100 - $200…

The First Line

The First Line

"The purpose of The First Line is to jump start the imagination-to help writers break through the block that is the blank page. Each issue contains short stories that stem from a common first line; it also provides a forum for discussing favorite first lines in literature. The First Line is an exercise in creativity for writers and a chance for readers to see how many different directions we can take when we start from the same place." 95% freelance. Welcomes new writers. No reprints. Pays $25-$50/stories of 300-5000 words; $25 for essays of 400-800 words.…

Escapees RV Club

Escapees RV Club

“Escapees magazine contributors are RVers interested in sharing the RV lifestyle. Our audience includes full and part-time RVers, RVing snowbirds (those who travel south for the winter), and anyone considering extensive travel. Escapees members have varying levels of RVing experience; therefore, the magazine looks for a wide variety of material typically not found in conventional RV magazines. We welcome submissions on all phases of RV life and for all age demographics. Escapees RV Club members range in age from younger RVers, with or without children, who are working from the road, to retirees. A large majority of members live in their motorhomes, fifth-wheel trailers, or travel trailers, on a full-time basis. Popular topics are mechanical/technical, RV modifications and conversions, lifestyle issues and tips.” Welcomes new writers. Pays $50-$200.…

Monadnock Table

Monadnock Table

"Monadnock Table is a guide to local food, farms and community of the Monadnock Region and the Connecticut River Valley of New Hampshire.” Bi-monthly. Pays on publication. Publishes ms 3 months after acceptance. Buys first N.A. rights. Occasionally accepts reprints, depending on where the article first appeared. Responds in 1 week. Guidelines available by email. Pays flat fee of $125 for features (1200 words); $75 for columns (600 words).…


“Birding is the award-winning, full-color flagship journal of the American Birding Association. The ABA welcomes as members all persons interested in birdwatching in the Americas and beyond. All ABA members receive Birding magazine.” 50% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Bimonthly. Pays on publication. Publishes ms 24 months after acceptance. Buys first rights. Accepts reprints. Responds within one week. Guidelines by email. Pays $200 for 1500-3000 words.…

Equipment Journal

Equipment Journal

”Equipment Journal is Canada's best-read national heavy equipment publication. It features the latest news on the greatest products in the heavy equipment market (construction, demolition, material handling mining, forestry, trucks) and the people who use, sell, and produce them.” Welcomes new writers. Pays $0.30-$0.40/word.…

Arc Poetry Magazine

Arc Poetry Magazine

“Arc Poetry Magazine nurtures and promotes the composition and appreciation of poetry in Canada and abroad, with particular but not exclusive emphasis on poetry written by Canadians. Established in 1978, the magazine publishes three issues per year, including one themed issue. In addition to publishing and distributing the work of poets, Arc Poetry Magazine organizes and administers awards, contests, public readings and other events.” Welcomes new writers. Triannual. Pays on publication. Publishes ms within 3-6 months of acceptance. Buys First N.A. Serial Rights. No reprints. Responds in 3-6 months. Sample articles available online. Guidelines online. Pays $50 CAD…

Authorship, National Writers Association

Authorship, National Writers Association

“3,000 members and is cover-to-cover about writing. Estab. 1950s. Association magazine targeted to beginning and professional writers. Covers how-to, humor, marketing issues. Disk and e-mail submissions preferred. Quarterly magazine covering writing articles only.” Welcomes new writers. Pays on acceptance. Publishes ms three months after acceptance. No reprints. Responds within two months. Pays $10, or discount on memberships and copies.…



“We're a team of storytellers, vets, and pet specialists who actually care about your dog (and you). We're here to help you make smarter choices and deepen your relationship with your pet.” “At, we help people make smarter, healthier decisions for their pets. Our mission is to provide clear, medically sound advice distinguished by a focus on responsible pet parenting. We are currently seeking freelance writers with research chops to help us craft the most practical, relevant, and scientifically backed content — articles, features, guides, etc. — for over 4 million readers. Responsibilities: Writing articles from an outline, first draft, to final draft. Conducting thorough research to provide insightful and fact-based articles that are actually fun to read. Collaborating with our team of licensed veterinarians and EiC to make sure that we share information and product recommendations that are in the best interest of both pets and their owners. About You: You care deeply about content organization and have strong research abilities — some assignments cover complex medical conditions, symptoms, and treatments. You have experience writing in the pet space (specifically around dogs and cats). Bandwidth to complete an outline and first draft within a week of the start date. You’re comfortable learning Google Docs, Asana, and Slack (we will train you). How to Apply: email your resume to” Guidelines available by email. Pays $30/hr…

Apex Magazine, Apex Publications

Apex Magazine, Apex Publications

100% freelance. "We want science fiction, fantasy, horror, and mash-ups of all three—the dark, weird stuff down at the bottom of your little literary heart. This magazine is not a publication credit, it is a place to put your secret places and dreams on display. Short fiction." Unsolicited poetry not accepted. Welcomes new writers. Monthly. Pays 30 days after publication. Publishes ms 3-9 months after acceptance. Buys first rights and non-exclusive anthology rights. Responds 30-60 days. Pays $0.08/word. Stories no longer than 7500 words.…

Wine & Country Wedding Planner

Wine & Country Wedding Planner

20% freelance. “Everything you need to plan your dream wedding in Virginia wine country and beyond! We are here to guide you to the best vendors, inspire you with gorgeous ideas, and help you dazzle your wedding party and guests with artisanal gifts made locally.” Welcomes new writers. Annual. Pays on acceptance. Buys print plus digital rights. No reprints. Responds in 4-6 weeks. Subscription $18/year. Guidelines online Pays a flat fee of $75-$150/article.…

Abyss & Apex

Abyss & Apex

“We publish Science Fiction and Fantasy only, up to 10K words, and genre poetry. We also review small press books (not self-published unless the author has previously had a story in Abyss & Apex). We especially like to review short story collections.” Welcomes new writers. “25% of our stories are the first things that writer had published. We cannot afford to pay pro rates so, if we see promise in a writer we work with them on rewrites and MAKE pro writers. Some of the writer's we've helped launch are Lavie Tidar and Aliette de Bodard. We published early NK Jemisin and Alan Smale.” Pays 30 days after publication. Publishes around a year after acceptance. Buys “World English Rights, for publication in the English language on the World Wide Web and in downloadable PDF; Right of first offer on world anthology rights; The work shall be available online through an archived copy for at least four months and then Indefinitely or until the author requests its removal.” No reprints. Responds between 2 weeks to 6 months. Guidelines online. Pays $0.06/word, not to exceed $75/story.…

Able, the newspaper for, by and about the disabled

Able, the newspaper for, by and about the disabled

"We are a monthly newspaper that provides information for people with disabilities." Welcomes new writers. Monthly. Pays on publication. Period between acceptance and publication varies. Buys one-time rights. Accepts reprints. Pays $50 for 500 words.…

“AE is Canadian Science Fiction. We publish weekly short fiction that explores worlds that could be, paying authors fair rates and promoting under-represented voices. AE is volunteer-run by authors and fans who believe that a vibrant, professional market for Canadian science fiction is something worth doing.” Circ. 6K. Quarterly. Pays authors within 60 days. Publishes ms 30 days after acceptance. Buys first serial, electronic N.A and non-exclusive rights. No reprints. Responds within 60 days. Pays $0.10 CND/word, fiction only…

Wine & Country Life Magazine

Wine & Country Life Magazine

“Wine & Country Life celebrates elevated living in the heart of Virginia wine country. Each issue of our luxury print magazine highlights Virginia wine, farm-to-table food, architecture, gardens & décor, the arts and elegant entertaining, as well as Virginia craft spirits, beer and ciders.” Welcomes new writers. 60% freelance. Biannual in print and weekly online. Pays on acceptance. Buys print plus digital rights. No reprints. Responds within 2-4 weeks. Digital sample copies available online. Subscription $18/year. Guidelines online. Pays $100-$250…

Rack Magazine

Rack Magazine

"We ONLY publish stories about the harvests of world-class animals, 90 percent of which are white-tailed deer scoring 180 or more inches as Typicals or 200+ as Non-typicals. Other stories may revolve around the harvest of most any North American big game trophy, so long as the animal qualifies for one of the major record books." Welcomes new writers. Six issues per year. Pays on publication. Publishes ms 6-12 months after acceptance. Buys first N.A. rights. Accepts reprints. Responds within 30 days. Guidelines by email. Pays up to $360.…

Machine Intelligence Research Institute

Machine Intelligence Research Institute

MIRI is an AI research organization that performs original mathematical research to ensure the development of artificial intelligence has positive effects for humanity. We pay by the step, a discrete, well-defined unit that consists of one round of interaction between the DM and the player, along with the DM's accompanying Thoughts for that round. One step is roughly between 250-450 words, the majority being the DM's Thoughts. We’re offering 100 USD for reading the guidelines carefully and submitting 6–8 steps along with a short (less than 1 page) description of how the rest of the story/run might play out. Applicants whose submissions meet our quality bar will be asked to write a follow-up batch of 5 more steps. If those meet our standards, they will be accepted to write long-term for the project, at a rate of 10 USD per step, paid either monthly or every 100 steps. Please see for more details. Welcomes New Writers. Pays on Acceptace. Publication purchases all rights. No Reprints. Guidelines online. PAYS $100…

Electronic magazine featuring new and updated markets and articles on selling the written word (making more money through writing) as well as information on publishing, self-publishing, and book promotion. 20% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Weekly. Pays on acceptance. Publishes ms 1-6 weeks after acceptance. Buys first rights. Accepts reprints. Responds within 1 week. Samples free at website. Subscription free. Pays in U.S. Dollars via PayPal. PAYS $60…

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