California Real Estate Magazine
525 South Virgil Ave.
Los Angeles CA 90020
Website: https://www.car.org/knowledge/pubs/crem
Guidelines: https://www.car.org/knowledge/pubs/crem/writersguide
Editor: Elizabeth Ackerman, Senior Editor
Email address: creeditor@car.org
About The Publication:
“A real estate industry trade magazine delivered to 160,000 REALTORS in the state of California, which covers issues related to the housing industry, the economy and real estate.” 50% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Circ. 160K. Publishes 8 issues/year. Pays on acceptance. Publishes ms three months after acceptance. Buys all rights. No reprints. Responds within one month. Sample copy available online. Subscription $36. Guidelines online
Pays $800 for 1000-1200 words.
Current Needs:
“Writers who know the real estate industry.” Submit query by email.
Pays $800 for 1000-1200 words.
“We do not cover individual homes, developments or specific neighborhoods. Ideas should be broad and about the real estate industry as a whole.”
Welcomes New Writers: