Central Coast Farm & Ranch
P.O. Box 3160
Ventura CA 93006
Website: https://www.farmbureauvc.com/about-us/what-we-do/publications/ccfr/
Guidelines: https://www.farmbureauvc.com/about-us/what-we-do/publications/ccfr/
Editor: Colleen Cason
Email address: farmeditor@gmail.com
About The Publication:
“We cover agriculture on the Central Coast of California for our readers who work in the agricultural sector.” Quarterly. Pays on publication. Publishes ms within 60 days of acceptance. Buys First Time N.A. Rights. No reprints. Sample copies available upon request to the editor. Subscriptions available to all Farm Bureau members. Guidelines online.
Pays $0.50-$1.00/word. Articles range from 700-1,000 words.
Current Needs:
“We are especially looking for journalists with a knowledge of water issues as they affect agriculture.” Pays $0.50-$1.00/word. Articles range from 700-1,000 words. Submit inquiry by email.
“Must be an experienced photojournalist.” Pays $100/image, and $250/assignment.
“Our publication does not print articles on home gardening. It is aimed at commercial producers of crops such as strawberries, citrus, cannabis, wine grapes, nursery plants. I would suggest any writer who wants to make a pitch consult the Crop Reports for Ventura and Santa Barbara counties to get a sense of this region’s unique crop mix.”
Welcomes New Writers: Yes