Keys for Kids Devotional
P.O. Box 1001
Grand Rapids MI 49501
Fax: 888-224-2324
Website: https://www.keysforkids.org
Guidelines: https://www.keysforkids.org/WritersGuidelines
Editor: Courtney Lasater, Editor
Email address: editorial@keysforkids.org
About The Publication:
“The Keys for Kids Devotional helps kids ages 6-12 dig into God’s Word and apply it to their lives through daily Scripture and engaging stories.” Pays on acceptance. Publishes ms 9-12 months after acceptance. Buys all rights. No reprints. Responds within 12 weeks.
Pays $30/story.
Current Needs:
“We’re always looking for devotional stories for kids ages 6-12. Please see guidelines on our website as our stories follow a specific format and style.” Pays $30/story for 375 word maximum. Submit complete ms by email
Pays $30/story for 375 word maximum. Submit complete ms by email
“We love devotional stories that use an everyday object/situation to illustrate a spiritual truth (especially in a fresh, unique way) with characters that pull the reader into the story.”
Welcomes New Writers: Yes
Hi I am an Indian short story writer and my name is Rini, I want to write for you if you want me to write for you please let me know.
Please contact the publication directly using the contact info. in the post above.