The Upper Room
P.O. Box 340004
Nashville, TN 37203-0004
Phone: (615)340-7252
Website: https://www.upperroom.org
Guidelines: https://submissions.upperroom.org
Email address: ureditorial@upperroom.org
About The Publication:
“The Upper Room is the spiritual companion of more than 3 million people worldwide. Each of the reader-written meditations encourages believers to open their hearts to God. Today The Upper Room is translated into more than 35 languages and reaches over 100 countries.” 95-100% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Bimonthly. Pays on publication. Publishes ms 12-18 months after acceptance. Buys first rights. No reprints. Responds 4-6 weeks. Sample copy available for email request. Guidelines available by mail or online.
Pays $30 for 250-300 words. Submit online.
Current Needs:
“The Upper Room needs meditations (devotionals) that address daily situations and help readers see the connections between scripture and their situation. We want writing that is genuine and direct, not pious and filled with religious jargon. We particularly need material based on the books of law and history from Hebrew scripture (the Old Testament). We need meditations that address how faith is lived out in the workplace, relationships between parents and adult children, loneliness, parenting teenagers, and social action as an expression of Christian faith. We would also like to see meditations that help people understand how personal relationship with Christ differs from knowing about Christ and the church.
We always need good meditations for the special days of the Christian year — Advent and Christmas, the Sundays of Lent, Easter, and Pentecost.
Typically, meditations are 250-300 in length.” Pays $30 for 250-300 words. Submit online.
Pays $30 for 250-300 words. Submit online.
“Read and be familiar with the publication where you want to submit your work! Follow the publisher’s guidelines for prospective writers. Be concise and to the point, especially with brief pieces such a devotionals/meditations. A good devotional must offer the reader more than just an interesting or emotionally moving experience; it must offer a clear life application that is scripturally supported/connected.”
Welcomes New Writers: Yes