Zoning Practice
205 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 1200
Chicago IL 60601-5927
Phone: (312)786-6364
Fax: (312)786-6700
Website: https://www.planning.org/zoningpractice/
Editor: David Morley, Co-Editor; Joseph DeAngelis, Co-Editor.
Email address: zoningpractice@planning.org
About The Publication:
“This is a very practical monthly newsletter devoted entirely to land-use regulations, planning, and zoning. If you don’t know the topic, you’re probably wasting your time. If you do, we welcome your inquiries. Most authors are actually involved in the planning profession or something closely related and bring that expertise to their submissions.” 100% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Pays on publication. Publishes ms 3-5 months after acceptance. Buys all rights. No reprints. Responds within one week.
Pays $500.
Current Needs:
“Any good material on current issues and problems in land-use planning, zoning, subdivision design, etc., is fair game. The key question may be whether we have covered the same topic recently, but otherwise we highly value creativity and expertise. We pay $500 per article in the month of publication. Approximately 4,250 words, depending upon illustrations. See online guidelines for submitting a one-page outline with your idea.”
$500 per article
“We work with assigned authors on the art possibilities along with the manuscript. We occasionally buy photos from professional photographers; for the authors, it is typically part of the package. If the photos do not belong to the author, make sure you have acquired permission or can guide us to the appropriate parties who can grant permission for reuse.”
“The most common mistake is to assume that we will use general, consumer-oriented pieces on land use and zoning. That is not our audience. Our readers are professional planners and zoning administrators, and they want to hear from other professionals who can write well and know how to analyze the topics being discussed.”
Welcomes New Writers: Yes