Marketing Secrets

Use Your Main Character’s “Journal” to Promote Your Ezine and Book! – By Christy Lindsay

Use Your Main Character’s “Journal” to Promote Your Ezine and Book! – By Christy Lindsay

The more engaged you keep your readers, the more alive your character will seem, and the hungrier they’ll be to keep in touch. So, make sure they get an email from your character every week – a snapshot into your character’s “personal life!” And, of course, when your sequel or next novel is ready, you’ll have a list of anxious readers waiting to buy it!

How I Learned to Promote My Own Books by Getting Paid to Promote Someone Else’s! – by Johnny Townsend

How I Learned to Promote My Own Books by Getting Paid to Promote Someone Else’s! – by Johnny Townsend

Promoting our own books is hard work. For many writers, promotion feels unnatural, perhaps tacky, and even a little tainted. However, I was able to develop several useful promotional skills while working for a small publisher promoting their latest release, and you can do the same!

What are Actionable Analytics and How Can They Increase Your Writing Income? – by Mark Heidelberger

What are Actionable Analytics and How Can They Increase Your Writing Income? – by Mark Heidelberger

To write effectively for a businesses, you have to understand where that business is strong, where it needs improvement, and where it needs to change direction. Showing potential clients that you understand the importance of these items can greatly increase your chances of landing long-term writing work.

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