For horror lovers, and anybody with a dark disposition, late autumn is the highlight of the year. The air gets cooler, the nights get longer, then Halloween arrives to signify the real start of winter. It inspires us like no other holiday, and gets those creative juices flowing. So, why not surrender to the dark side?
Best of all, these outlets are viable paying markets for writers all year round, not just during Halloween. Remember to read an issue or two to get a handle on their style, and check the individual guidelines for special requests such as formatting requirements, issue themes, and submission windows.
Nightmare Magazine
Seeks original horror and dark fantasy stories, encouraging writers to take chances with their fiction and ‘push the envelope.’ By comparison one of the more literary avenues, but no subject should be considered off-limits.
Pays $0.08 per word for stories up to 7,500 words in length.
The Dread Machine
Online magazine and podcast accepting all forms of ‘dread-inducing’ fiction from pieces of less than 100 words to serials of 20,000 words. Doubles as a community where authors can interact and build a readership whilst earning money.
Payment by negotiation, typically ranging from $50 to $100 per story.
Baffling magazine
Looking for speculative stories that explore science fiction, fantasy, and horror ‘with a queer bent.’ Welcomes weird, slipstream and interstitial writing. Accepted stories may be published on their Patreon, website, or a future anthology.
Pays $0.08 per word for stories up to 1200 words.
The Splatterclub
Caters toward the splatterpunk, extreme horror, and bizarro fiction sub-genres. Not for the faint-hearted!
Pays $0.01 a word for stories 500-7000 words in length, and accepts submissions for both its website and a series of acclaimed anthologies.
Dread Imaginings
Seeking original stories set in the contemporary world that present your protagonist’s encounter with the horrific, disturbing, uncanny, weird, macabre, and/or grotesque. No multiple or simultaneous submissions.
Pays $0.01 per word up to a maximum of 4,000 words.
The Asylum Diaries: Arkham
Looking for stories containing elements of cosmic or existential horror heavily influenced by the mythology of H.P. Lovecraft. Sister magazine The Asylum Diaries: Autopsy is also open to submissions and focuses on body horror.
Pays $15 AUD for stories up to 7,500 words.
Dark Moon Digest
Accepts fiction in a traditional style reminiscent of The Twilight Zone, Black Mirror and Tales from the Crypt. No science fiction, fantasy, or slasher-style work. Violence should be in proportion, and not just thrown in for shock value. Also accepts non-fiction.
Paying $0.03/word for original work and $0.01/word for reprints.
Dream of Shadows
London-based website featuring monthly previously-unpublished horror and fantasies short stories. E-book and hard copy versions are also planned.
Pays £20 for ‘honest and daring’ stories without happy endings up to 1500 words in length.
The Fifth Di…
No, that’s not a typo. Quarterly publication seeking original horror and science-fiction stories with plot, tension, suspense, conflict, and character development.
Pays $0.01/word for flash stories up to 1000 words, $25 for stories up to 7,500 and $10 for reprints.
E-magazine publishing fiction and non-fiction aligned to a designated theme, which changes for each issue. A recent example being ‘dragons.’
Pays an average of $0.06/word for fiction (capped at $75) and $0.08/word for non-fiction which can be boosted by taking part in a contributor-exclusive affiliate program.
The Society of Misfit Stories
Journal published three times a year interested in all genres of speculative fiction from horror and mystery to slipstream and fantasy. Stories should be between 5,000 to 20,000 words.
Pays $50 for original fiction and $25 for reprints.
Three Crows Magazine
Want previously unpublished stories of dark and weird fantasy, horror, and sci-fi, with complex characters making morally ambiguous decisions. No multiple or simultaneous submissions.
Pays $0.01/word for stories 1000 to 10,000 words in length.
Legendary Tales
Submit your character-driven original horror, science-fiction, fantasy, supernatural or paranormal stories between 1000 and 7,500 words. No unsolicited reprints, and no explicit sex or violence.
Pays $0.01 per word.
- THIRTEEN FOR HALLOWEEN! 13 Creepy (Paying!) Horror Markets for Writers! – By Chris Saunders
- Scaring for Pay: 10 Paying Horror Markets for Writers! – By Alex J. Coyne
- Max’s Hilarious (or Disturbing???) Halloween Costume!
- How Do You Decorate a Boat for Halloween??
- Pictures of Truly Disgusting Halloween Treats from The Party! Yum!
Christian Saunders, who writes fiction as C.M. Saunders, is a freelance journalist and editor from south Wales. His work has appeared in almost 100 magazines, ezines and anthologies worldwide including Fortean Times, the Literary Hatchet, ParABnormal, Fantastic Horror, Haunted MTL, Feverish Fiction and Crimson Streets, and he has held staff positions at several leading UK magazines ranging from Staff Writer to Associate Editor. His books have been both traditionally and independently published, the latest release being Tethered on Terror Tract Publishing.

So, You Wanna Be a Ghostwriter - How To Make Money Writing Without a Byline

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