How to Get into Freelance Writing for Ad Agencies By Tim Stevensen
I currently earn $55 per hour writing for an ad agency.
I currently earn $55 per hour writing for an ad agency.
As with every Winter contest, you can expect a crackling fire, some ice, snow, dangerous conditions, or maybe something cozy or romantic…or maybe not! Ha ha ha!! You’ll soon find out! 😉
The digital age has made true crime stories even more accessible.
You’re going to be EXTREMELY impressed with this poetic masterpiece!!!
The competition among parenting publications is heavy and fierce. Thus, they don’t always pay great rates. However, some still do!
Details, contract, characters, and alternative endings!
These paying markets are SCREAMING out for your darkest tales!
As with every Fall contest, you can expect some some chilly air, beautiful leaves, perhaps some hay bales, apples, or pumpkins, maybe something cozy or creepy…or maybe not! Ha ha ha!! You’ll soon find out!
Have you written a weird little story that doesn’t fit neatly into one speculative fiction genre?
Being an “expert” in your field can lead to far more income opportunities than just book sales!