Posting “Read-Aloud” of Children’s Books on YouTube – Good Idea or Not?

Aside from the copyright infringement implications, I have a moral problem with this as well…
Aside from the copyright infringement implications, I have a moral problem with this as well…
If I had a nickel for all of the authors who have told me they didn’t think readers would mind a few typos.
“I realized later that maybe I was not supposed to do that. I tried for find the original artists to ask permission but…”
Sales of print books are still higher than sales of ebooks.
An author recently asked his webmaster to complete a publishing contract on his behalf (which was, of course, not legally binding). What the author learned later, however, was quite disturbing…
I received an unsolicited phone call from a senior marketing consultant at a company that displays books at book fairs. She said her company was only taking 10 books to a book fair in Europe and they chose mine…
Read what the Alliance of Independent Authors has to say about Booksniffer.
3 things you MUST know to price your books for maximum profits.
Zoom meetings are becoming more common as a way to conduct business. Does your “background” say the wrong thing about you and your product/service?
Anytime an author pays to get published, it’s considered vanity publishing. But, many self-published authors earn more than their traditionally-published colleagues.