Published on August 20, 2020
legal, libel, Print on demand, self-publishing, traditional publishing
“I would want 20-30 copies for personal use and distribution but I do not want to make it available for sale to the general public. I use real examples from my career and real names…”
Published on August 20, 2020
complaints, Complaints about specific publishers, pod complaints, Print on demand, self-publishing
We compete directly with Outskirts Press. When we reject a manuscript, we never refer those authors to Outskirts Press.
Published on August 13, 2020
complaints, Complaints about specific publishers, pod complaints, Print on demand, self-publishing, writing scams
When you don’t have the time or money to pay your authors’ royalties…yet you DO have the time and money to create a new website… SHAME ON FASTPENCIL / INFINITY PUBLISHING!
Published on August 6, 2020
author scams, book marketing, Print on demand, promotional pitfalls, self-publishing, traditional publishing, writing scams
I found an article about the radio host they’re touting. He was convicted of two felony counts of theft. He stole his client’s advertising money…
Published on July 29, 2020
book marketing, Print on demand, self-publishing, writing career advice
Each time I send it back to my publisher, they find more problems, and send it back to me again. I don’t want to read it anymore!
Published on July 29, 2020
author, book marketing, Book Reviews, Print on demand, promoting your writing, self-publishing, storytelling, traditional publishing, writing career advice
Potential readers and clients trust REAL customer reviews more than marketing verbiage written by the person or company selling that product or service!
Published on July 23, 2020
amazon, copyrights, self-publishing, traditional publishing, writing career advice
Q – I found a copy of my book is for sale online for $400! Why didn’t I get a higher royalty for that? It’s not fair that someone would get that much money for my book but I don’t get part of it! My publisher hasn’t responded to my emails. Do you know how […]
Published on July 23, 2020
complaints, Complaints about specific publishers, lulu, Print on demand, self-publishing
Holy moly! Lulu’s authors are ANGRY!!!
Published on July 16, 2020
book marketing, Print on demand, self-publishing, traditional publishing
I haven’t had to apply for any benefits because, surprisingly enough, I’m making a bit too much money to qualify!
Published on July 16, 2020
promotional pitfalls, self-publishing, traditional publishing
“I am getting reports from people that they have purchased my book in Ebook format from Amazon already. However the link still shows paperback only…”