AUTHORS, PLEASE DO THE MATH! How Much Does it REALLY Cost to Sell to Bookstores?

After deducting your time and expense to sell copies to a bookstore, you can be pretty far in the hole.
After deducting your time and expense to sell copies to a bookstore, you can be pretty far in the hole.
My old publishers is still selling my book and that means they’re getting money from sales, and not sending me royalties!
“Somebody ordered the book and they got the first edition with the old cover. Why?”
How do you determine if a firm is likely to go belly-up? It’s EASY!
After thorough investigation, they would keep 80% of all sales, risk no money, and I had to pay over $6,000 up front just to get the ball rolling! Please help!
Avoid being scammed by freelance editors!
Ebook sales are down. Ebook reading device sales are down. Print sales are up. What does this mean for the future of books?
Having unique and frequently updated content on your website will help keep readers coming back! And, they’ll buy your books!
Read comments that BookBaby authors have sent directly to us!
Want to get the inside scoop on a publishing company? Look no further than their employees! (And, beware of false “positive” reviews posted online!)