How to Get into Freelance Writing for Ad Agencies By Tim Stevensen

I currently earn $55 per hour writing for an ad agency.
I currently earn $55 per hour writing for an ad agency.
The digital age has made true crime stories even more accessible.
Speaking the language doesn’t automatically mean you’re a skilled writer.
If I had a nickel for every time someone has asked me to work for free…
I can’t even count the number of authors who have told me they hired an editor who actually screwed up their book.
Five things you must know before submitting your manuscript to an editor.
“Blankety-blank it!” he would roar, turning bright red from the shoulders up…
Good, solid clients are the cornerstone of any successful freelance business.
80% of business will come from 20% of your clients. But, what if you lose one of those valuable clients???
Once I was alerted, I started reading and I could NOT STOP! I sent the link (see below) to my employees, and told them to fire up the microwave popcorn. It is THAT LONG and THAT BAD!!