CHANGING TIDE! Print Book Sales Increase While Ebook Sales Continue to Decline

Ebook sales are down. Ebook reading device sales are down. Print sales are up. What does this mean for the future of books?
Ebook sales are down. Ebook reading device sales are down. Print sales are up. What does this mean for the future of books?
Having unique and frequently updated content on your website will help keep readers coming back! And, they’ll buy your books!
Read comments that BookBaby authors have sent directly to us!
Want to get the inside scoop on a publishing company? Look no further than their employees! (And, beware of false “positive” reviews posted online!)
No electronic files? The fix is simple!
“The base pay went from $15.41/hour to $11.41 per hour. (Commission-based) reps are estimating a $30,000 loss in pay annually. New leads have been stagnant for months…”
“Someone told me to not take the job during the interview process. One of them tried to talk me out of working there — boy were they right. Upper management is quitting on bad terms and people are getting fired without any notice…”
Has you print on demand book suddenly been listed as “out of stock” or “unavailable” on Amazon? Or, does it now have a ridiculous lead time – like “Usually ships in 1 to 2 months?” You need to read this and you need to immediately contact your publisher…
I see your claim that it is less expensive to publish with BookLocker than with CreateSpace and I don’t understand why you think so. All over the Internet, information about CreateSpace makes authors think their services are free. Their homepage even says “free.” What gives?
I’d just finished a book for a traditional New York publisher and was waiting on a promised contract from another publishing house. Because I knew I’d be working on a book soon, I didn’t want to get involved in a major project…but I also wasn’t sure what to do to scratch my creative itch – or contribute to our family funds.