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Want Your Book Published BEFORE the Holiday Shopping Season? HURRY! Some people have ALREADY STARTED buying their gifts!

Want Your Book Published BEFORE the Holiday Shopping Season? HURRY! Some people have ALREADY STARTED buying their gifts!

As we all know, books are a very popular holiday gift idea! Don’t you want as many people as possible to unwrap YOUR book on the morning of December 25th? What do you need to do TODAY to make that happen?

What Our Readers Said About: “WHY WON’T YOU PUBLISH MY BOOK FOR FREE?” – A Behind the Scenes Look at a Publisher’s Expenses

What Our Readers Said About: “WHY WON’T YOU PUBLISH MY BOOK FOR FREE?” – A Behind the Scenes Look at a Publisher’s Expenses

When asked why BookLocker’s prices are so low, Angela responded with this and much more: As stated in the article, we keep our belts tight. As most readers know, we live on a boat (it’s a spiritual thing for me – see:, not a mansion (contrary to some of our high-priced competitors and…

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