book marketing

What’s The Secret to Ongoing, Consistent BOOK SALES? by Angela Hoy, &

What’s The Secret to Ongoing, Consistent BOOK SALES? by Angela Hoy, &

Many authors want to blame the publisher, the printer, the distributor and even retailers for their lack of book sales and some get offended when I’m honest, and tell them it’s their lack of promotional activities that has led to decreased or non-existent book sales.
Authors get bored with book promotion. Even one week of lower sales can lead to discouragement, spurring many authors to start a new book (or watch puppy videos on YouTube, or share recipes on Facebook, or binge-watch Netflix) instead of promoting the book they already have up for sale.

“How can I sell my self-published book through a large specialty distributor?”

“How can I sell my self-published book through a large specialty distributor?”

Angela, I want (a large, specialty book distributor) to sell my book on their website, as well as to physical retailers. My publisher doesn’t like their terms. Do you have any advice? Thanks, P.   There are thousands of distributors and specialty retailers across the globe. Like most physical bookstores, they’re feeling the pinch (okay, […]

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