Sell Your Kids’ Book to Schools! by Kate Williams
Bookshops tend to play safe with official, paying publishers. But present your book to schools, and you’ll likely have kids and staff queuing up to buy it.
Bookshops tend to play safe with official, paying publishers. But present your book to schools, and you’ll likely have kids and staff queuing up to buy it.
So you’ve written your book. My sincere congratulations and kudos. It’s not easy, and takes a lot of work. You’ve got a physical book too! Awesome. Whether you’ve independently published it or you’ve been taken on by a publisher, you’ve done a lot of work in that area too. But this is not, of course, […]
The millennial generation has famously been dubbed as the “Selfie” generation. While some have contested this claim, it can’t be denied that Gen Y is fond of selfies on social media. Among the most used apps to share their love of pictures is the widely popular Snapchat. For writers who want to better understand this […]
Many authors want to blame the publisher, the printer, the distributor and even retailers for their lack of book sales and some get offended when I’m honest, and tell them it’s their lack of promotional activities that has led to decreased or non-existent book sales.
Authors get bored with book promotion. Even one week of lower sales can lead to discouragement, spurring many authors to start a new book (or watch puppy videos on YouTube, or share recipes on Facebook, or binge-watch Netflix) instead of promoting the book they already have up for sale.
Angela, I want (a large, specialty book distributor) to sell my book on their website, as well as to physical retailers. My publisher doesn’t like their terms. Do you have any advice? Thanks, P. There are thousands of distributors and specialty retailers across the globe. Like most physical bookstores, they’re feeling the pinch (okay, […]
There are lots of self-published authors out there who have no idea how to write a good book review request! I have read numerous posts and articles from authors claiming they know how to write the best book review requests. The thing is…they are usually wrong. So, I am here today with a few tips for sending in review requests that will hopefully give you more acceptances and fewer rejections.
Half or more of published books are now self-published. I published my books myself and was set to ‘reveal’ by wonderfulness to the world. However, after selling it to friends and relatives, I still had boxes in my garage. My writing career was talking a dip! It was obvious, if I were going to sell those books, I would have to be my own promoter…
How do I breathe life into my book when it is selling cheap online?
Have you ever been to a business conference or workshop and received a bag of goodies as you walked in the door? Have you ever won a door prize at one of these conferences or workshops? Wouldn’t it be great to be able to market your book to people attending a conference that complements your books topic…even if you’re not there?
I found a $500 online class that teaches authors how to market their books to libraries. Is this something I should consider?