How to Create Multiple Series of Books to Attract More Readers! By K.M. Robinson
The trick isn’t creating demand for new books. It’s creating new books.
The trick isn’t creating demand for new books. It’s creating new books.
I have to admit. When I first heard about this business model, my B.S. antenna went up. So, I did some further research, and here is what I found…
One of the rapidly growing trends in social media marketing today is Facebook Messenger Bots. Authors can easily use this feature to create a game to engage their readers!
“What sells better in stores? Paperbacks or hardcovers? And, do those sell better than ebooks?”
Has your book’s listing on Amazon recently changed? Have you noticed the following? High list price; No Prime availability; Some unknown firm selling your book instead of Amazon?
Instead of collecting money thru donation jars for your charity, consider publishing and selling a book.
A company found my book for sale online and contacted me, offering $300 to review my book, “guaranteed sales,” and submission of my book to contests across the country…
After deducting your time and expense to sell copies to a bookstore, you can be pretty far in the hole.
12 ideas to sell more books from veteran speakers and authors Ellen and Joyce!
Posting fake book reviews is FRAUD.