Published on March 1, 2019
amazon, author scams, book marketing, promotional pitfalls, self-publishing

These scammers use my Amazon ads and illustrations claiming all sorts of things, like having 15 books of varying quality on hand, and raising the cover price from $13 to $45. However, my publisher and I have never sold books to these people…
Published on February 1, 2019
book marketing, editing, Print on demand, self-publishing, write that book

Indie authors whine a lot. They write a book, stick it up on Amazon, and expect it to be a #1 bestseller. Here a reality check…
Published on February 1, 2019
author scams, book marketing, book signing advice, complaints, Networking, pod complaints, Print on demand, self-publishing, writing scams

Don’t fall for the false praise and promises.
Published on January 2, 2019
book marketing, diversify your writing income, Networking, self-publishing, writing career advice

Believe it or not, I get pitches from writers using these angles almost every day. And, these pitches don’t sell writing any better than they sell cars…
Published on November 29, 2018
author, book marketing, diversify your writing income, ghostwriting, Networking, Print on demand, self-publishing, social media, traditional publishing, writing career advice

There are countless editors, cover designers, website creators, and others offering their services to authors online. But, there are other unique services available to authors that may very well benefit them, their book, and their profits in the long-run! Are YOU one of these individuals? Or, are you seeking these types of services?
Published on October 11, 2018
book marketing, self-publishing

The trick isn’t creating demand for new books. It’s creating new books.
Published on September 20, 2018
book marketing, self-publishing, writing career advice

I have to admit. When I first heard about this business model, my B.S. antenna went up. So, I did some further research, and here is what I found…
Published on September 13, 2018
book marketing, self-publishing, storytelling
One of the rapidly growing trends in social media marketing today is Facebook Messenger Bots. Authors can easily use this feature to create a game to engage their readers!
Published on September 6, 2018
amazon, book marketing, Ebooks, Print on demand, writing career advice

“What sells better in stores? Paperbacks or hardcovers? And, do those sell better than ebooks?”
Published on August 30, 2018
amazon, book marketing, createspace complaints, pod complaints, self-publishing

Has your book’s listing on Amazon recently changed? Have you noticed the following? High list price; No Prime availability; Some unknown firm selling your book instead of Amazon?