NEW! 2025 Self-Publishing Price Comparison!!

Considering self-publishing this year? Check out this price comparison featuring 14 of the most well-known Print on Demand publishing service providers!
Considering self-publishing this year? Check out this price comparison featuring 14 of the most well-known Print on Demand publishing service providers!
Considering self-publishing? How many copies would you need to sell to earn back your investment? Compare these 17 popular POD publishers!
Another one bites the dust…
This guy! Sheesh… Some authors NEVER LEARN!!!
Dear Amazon,
It’s been awhile since we last spoke. Remember when we sued you for anti-trust violations? Wasn’t it fun meeting face-to-face in that courtroom? And then…
Sometimes competitors and others test to see if we really do screen manuscripts that we’re considering for publication. Yes, we absolutely do! We rejected the poetry book written by the dog of an author. That was memorable. There was the…
Amazon KDP/CreateSpace poor quality printing AND copyright infringement?; Drunk publisher rant; Racist publisher; Author lies about cancer and keeps publishing contract; and more!
Our 2018 Top 25 Articles!
Amazon has killed CreateSpace, and renamed it/merged it/replaced it (same thing, no matter which way you wash it!) with “KDP Print.” We all knew that was coming. And, between you and me, with all the complaints about CreateSpace posted online, it’s no surprise they wanted to get rid of the name…
Has your book’s listing on Amazon recently changed? Have you noticed the following? High list price; No Prime availability; Some unknown firm selling your book instead of Amazon?