book marketing

4 Ways to Get Your Book Reviewed! by AmandaEmma

4 Ways to Get Your Book Reviewed! by AmandaEmma

There are lots of self-published authors out there who have no idea how to write a good book review request! I have read numerous posts and articles from authors claiming they know how to write the best book review requests. The thing is…they are usually wrong. So, I am here today with a few tips for sending in review requests that will hopefully give you more acceptances and fewer rejections.

Marketing Your Book to Conference Attendees (when you’re not even there!)

Marketing Your Book to Conference Attendees (when you’re not even there!)

Have you ever been to a business conference or workshop and received a bag of goodies as you walked in the door? Have you ever won a door prize at one of these conferences or workshops? Wouldn’t it be great to be able to market your book to people attending a conference that complements your books topic…even if you’re not there?

Pitch Your Book to These National Book Clubs! By Dr. Marlene Caroselli

Pitch Your Book to These National Book Clubs! By Dr. Marlene Caroselli

Poet Don Marquis once divided the world into two types of people: those who could tell you they had just bought a package of paper napkins and make you “thrill and vibrate with the intelligence” and those who could share the secrets of the universe and yet “fail to impress you with any sense of the importance of the news.”

How My Bookstore Signings Led to a Traditional Publishing Contract and Film Consideration! By William Creed

How My Bookstore Signings Led to a Traditional Publishing Contract and Film Consideration! By William Creed

Being self-published, and trying to see your creation become successful, can be a daunting task – especially if you have no one to counsel you. I’ve written several books and have close to a hundred book signings under my belt. The result is a traditional publisher signed me to a multi-book contract, and these books are carried by Barnes and Noble and several other chains now. In addition, my first book is now under consideration by a film company. That’s the good news.

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