book marketing

Another Reason Authors Must Own and Control Their Own Websites? CANCEL CULTURE!

Another Reason Authors Must Own and Control Their Own Websites? CANCEL CULTURE!

If you let any other person or company host your website, they have the power to “cancel” you if they don’t like something in your book, something you wrote online, or even some of your social media posts. You may think you’re safe from this garbage right now but you never know which way the politically correct tide is going to move in the future…

Book-Tok for Book Promotion; Bishop Quits After Falling in Love with Satanic Writer; and MORE – In The News – 09/09/2021

Book-Tok for Book Promotion; Bishop Quits After Falling in Love with Satanic Writer; and MORE – In The News – 09/09/2021

National Archives says Constitution is Harmful Content; In Australia, media now legally liable for other people’s posts on their Facebook pages; NC bans a beer because they don’t like the label; Amazon workers in CA now allowed to pee in peace?; Former Amazon employee pleads guilty to fraud; Amazon allegedly harms the environment with same-day shipping while investing in the Amazon rain forest; Book biz supply chain disruptions; and 8 ways to prevent Google from watching YOU.

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