Published on September 9, 2021
author, author scams, book marketing, Print on demand, self-publishing, writing career advice
I recommend pulling your book from the market.
Published on September 2, 2021
book marketing, Networking, Print on demand, self-publishing, traditional publishing, writing career advice
At BookLocker, we use the largest print on demand printer in the world. They sent out an email last week warning us about an industry-wide problem…
Published on August 26, 2021
author scams, book marketing, movie rights scams, Print on demand, promotional pitfalls, self-publishing, writing scams
How many authors can they trick into paying thousand of dollars for their completely garbage service?
Published on August 12, 2021
amazon, author scams, book marketing, Book Reviews, book signing advice, bookstores, complaints, Complaints about specific publishers, Networking, Print on demand, promoting your writing, promotional pitfalls, self-publishing, social media, traditional publishing, writing career advice, writing scams
Don’t even WORK with a publisher who upsells authors on these kinds of (bleep)…
Published on August 11, 2021
book marketing, bookstores, Print on demand, self-publishing, writing career advice
Good covers sell. Bad covers not only don’t attract customers, but can actively annoy.
Published on August 6, 2021
author, book marketing, diversify your writing income, Print on demand, self-publishing, writing career advice
It’s always better to have three products to sell instead of one.
Published on July 29, 2021
amazon, author, book marketing, diversify your writing income, Print on demand, promoting your writing, self-publishing, traditional publishing, write that book, writing career advice
“It is not my intent to soft soap you but I have learned that you have a habit of telling the truth as you see it so please tell me…”
Published on July 22, 2021
author, book marketing, Networking, promoting your writing, self-publishing, traditional publishing, writing career advice
For writers, images help to create the tone of the book, or article, boost an author’s brand, and enable you to sell more.
Published on July 15, 2021
author, book marketing, Networking, Print on demand, promoting your writing, self-publishing, traditional publishing, writing career advice
I asked her, “What is Simon & Schuster doing for you?” She then made a zero with her thumb and finger…
Published on July 14, 2021
book marketing, Book Reviews, self-publishing, traditional publishing, writing career advice
“I’m a bit disappointed in (my book sales) because I got a good review from (a book review publication). I had four more good reviews at (book review websites). Two more are due out next week…”