Promoting Your Book to Schools! By C. Hope Clark

Seas of students equate to captured audiences of potential buyers.
Seas of students equate to captured audiences of potential buyers.
“What do you recommend for authors when they are creating a…”
Read advice from a librarian about the common mistakes new authors make when approaching libraries.
I haven’t been paid a dime, but there are used copies of my book on Amazon. Well no, those aren’t really used copies.
I recall an afternoon after publishing my first book. Riding the high of a book launch and some great reviews, a friend asked me if I had considered…
A little sales knowledge can take a freelance writer a long way.
How I sell my books virtually AND in person.
Whether you like social media influencers or not (I do not), the allure of their numbers of followers has not been ignored by marketing firms…
For inspiration on speaking topics think about everything that you, as a writer, do best.
“If I get rid of the paperback, people will buy the hardcover one instead and my profits will increase, right?”