Q –
My book is the perfect book for promotion on some radio/TV talk shows. Do you have any suggestions on how to get myself on, or my book promoted, on such shows?
My first impulse is to handle it the way you recommend approaching book reviewers, but any suggestions are welcome!
A –
Many shows have departments that field inquiries from people wanting to be interviewed in an attempt to subtly promote their product/service. You should try to find those departments at shows you’re interested in approaching.
Google “list of talk shows” to find the most popular ones right now. Some will have a link on their site where you can fill out a questionnaire if you think you’d make a good guest. If they don’t, simply click on the contact link on each website. But, first, have an amazing pitch ready to copy and paste!
Shows are always looking for extraordinary stories and unusual, heroic, or otherwise interesting people to feature as guests. The trick is making yourself stand out from the thousands of submissions they each receive.
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