“Can you publish my book, and get me copies by Christmas, which is NEXT WEEK?”

When procrastinators spew profanity at me because I can’t perform a Christmas miracle…
When procrastinators spew profanity at me because I can’t perform a Christmas miracle…
Guesting on a podcast can be daunting for writers who are introverts. Here are some author-friendly podcasts.
It’s pretty pathetic when a company is happy to take hundreds or thousands of dollars from you, knowing all the while that YOU might get sued some day for something you included in your book…
Visions of sugarplums dance in the heads of novice writers. Hollywood has left them with the fantasy picture of authors being sent on lavish press tours where adoring fans line up at the signing table and where the writer is hounded by eager reporters…
Buying press release services to announce getting published in a small magazine is a very bad idea.
I am always stunned when authors flat refuse to promote their books. When I first hear this from an author (and, I do hear it a lot) I’m not sure if it’s ego, laziness, or apathy…
When authors think about using a video to promote their books and their author brand, their first thought might be…
There are only 51 days until Christmas. That’s 36 business days. Most full-service print on demand/publishing services firms take around 4-6 months to get a book to market. Some offer rush services but NONE of them offers a 2-week publishing program…except BookLocker…
My email was (horrors!) insulting and the dastardly diva sure showed me! She wrote back, saying she was…
Here’s how to offer a consignment deal to bookstores.