Guesting on a podcast can be daunting if you’re a writer who is introverted, or just a little nervous about talking to people you don’t know. That’s why it’s important to find one where the host is friendly, and more likely to put you at ease.
Here are my suggestions:
Sample Chapter Podcast
Jason A. Meuschke is the host of Sample Chapter Podcast, where the format is a short interview before the author reads a chapter of their book. The quick chat helps if you’re feeling nervous before you begin reading. Jason’s easy-going attitude means it feels like talking to someone you know, rather than being interviewed on a podcast. Although it can help to have an idea of what you want to get across, the conversation feels natural. At the time of writing this, he’s recorded almost 200 episodes, with different authors in all genres.
Mysterious Goings On
Mysterious Goings On is hosted by J. Alexander Greenwood. He uses his podcast to interview writers and to talk about creativity and all things related to writing. If you have a book to promote, this is the perfect place to do that. Be prepared to talk about your experiences as a writer, the inspiration behind your book, and your writing in general. The host is experienced in talking to authors, getting them to open up, and tell interesting stories. He’s recorded over 150 episodes.
Eat the Storms
Eat the Storms is a poetry podcast, hosted by Damien B. Donnelly. He doesn’t do interviews. Instead, you apply to guest on an episode by sending your bio to the host. Don’t be afraid to highlight your poetic achievements here. If you have had poetry published or performed anywhere, mention it. Then, if accepted, you’ll be asked to record yourself reading a selection of your poetry. This is great if you’re not confident at reading your poems because you can do as many takes as you need before sending him the finished recording.
Genuine Chit-Chat
Genuine Chit-Chat is another podcast with close to 150 episodes. The host is Mike Burton, and the podcast format is him and his guest having a chat. It’s not specifically aimed at authors, but he has had guests who are authors. The conversation can center around your book(s) and can lead anywhere, just like any conversation you would have with a friend or acquaintance. That’s why the exchange feels easier than a more formal interview.
If you want to find more podcasts, Facebook has lots of podcasting groups, and Matchmaker FM connects podcasts with suitable guests. These don’t have to be about books and authors, as long as you can connect an interest you have, preferably related to your book, and use it as something to talk about.
Amanda Steel is the author of Ghost of Me, which was a finalist in the Thriller category of The Author Elite Awards 2020. Amanda has worked broadcasting on BBC Radio Manchester and The NoSleep Podcast. She also co-hosts a book review podcast, and works as a copywriter.
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