Come See Me This Weekend! I Will Be a Reenactor at a Local Cemetery!! :)

Come See Me This Weekend! I Will Be a Reenactor at a Local Cemetery!! :)

If you’re near Trenton, Georgia, pop over to Sarah’s Chapel Cemetery on Sunday afternoon and say hi when you see me! At the request of the Dade County Historical Society, I agreed to reenact Mary Ann McDonough Bennett, which, I believe, will be the fourth stop on the cemetery crawl. It’s going to be very interesting and educational!! And, maybe a wee bit creepy!! It’s going to be cold so you can bet I’ll dressing in layers underneath my matronly, 1800s clothing.

Mary Ann lived on a local 320-acre farm with her husband and 12 CHILDREN! Wait until you hear the bloody Cherokee Indian part of the story!!

Sarah’s Chapel Cemetery is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! Right now, it’s covered in trees that are all shades of red, yellow and orange.

If you can come, be sure to sign up. It’s free but they need to know how many people will be participating. You can register RIGHT HERE.

Tonight, we are participating in the church’s Trunk or Treat fun. We are VERY excited about that! The truck bed will be decorated like a cemetery. Mason will be the Angel of Death. To keep him in line, I’ll be a nun. Poor Brian has to go to a meeting. He’s volunteered to work at a camp next month for disadvantaged young adults and there was a scheduling conflict. Bummer.

I hope to see some of you on Sunday! 🙂


Angela Hoy lives on a mountain in North Georgia. She is the publisher of, the President and CEO of and AbuzzPress, and the author of 24 books.

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2 Responses to "Come See Me This Weekend! I Will Be a Reenactor at a Local Cemetery!! :)"

  1. Carrie  October 23, 2022 at 5:43 am

    What is a “disadvantaged” youth?
    (I’m Snoopy dancing, not in an evil way… It’s cute when you make a flubbers. )

    • By Angela Hoy - Publisher of  October 25, 2022 at 9:41 am

      That was not an error. The camp is for young adults in our area who have had a tough life so far (and/or who have gotten into trouble), and who are trying to find a way to live a better life in the future. Not sure why you are dancing and using the word cute. It’s a serious situation for these young people.