FLYING LESSONS: One Woman’s Story – by Sherry Knight Rossiter

FLYING LESSONS: One Woman’s Story – by Sherry Knight Rossiter

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About the Book
As a child growing up in Fargo, North Dakota in the 1950’s, learning to fly was not even remotely on author Sherry Knight Rossiter’s radar. In Flying Lessons: One Woman’s Story, the author relates in a conversational style how she overcame personal fears, social barriers, and economic obstacles to become a professional airplane and helicopter flight instructor, an aviation ground school instructor, an U.S. Army helicopter pilot, and an aviation business owner. The author’s primary goal is to entertain, but the book also educates and encourages readers, especially those who may have a secret desire to learn to fly.

“Ms. Rossiter puts you right inside the cockpit on her first solo flight. We share her thrill as trepidation is replaced by confidence. We ride along as she pushes new doors open, accomplishing her goals in aviation. Very inspiring!”
– C.M. Mowbray

“I thoroughly enjoyed reading Flying Lessons: One Woman’s Story. Each of the chapters deals with a different aspect of the author’s life in aviation. The writing style is engaging and sometimes humorous. I’m not in aviation, but one doesn’t have to be to enjoy this book.”
– C. Hanyzewski

Read a free excerpt RIGHT HERE.

About the Author
When Sherry Knight Rossiter soloed her first airplane in 1973, it literally changed her life. After overcoming a personal fear of flying, she went on to become an FAA Certificated Flight Instructor, an Army helicopter pilot, the owner of two aviation businesses, and an adjunct instructor for Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.


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