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Maine – where an American patriot could go to retire, or so he hoped. Stephen Moore was ready to put his police force days behind him. Unfortunately, Foreign
superpowers disrupted his plan.

China has been playing the long game for decades and has successfully managed to turn the United States against itself, further polarizing the red and blue, and pitting the Federal government against its once-loyal citizens. It was the quagmire that China had been waiting for to launch an EMP attack using their proxy, North Korea.
American Calamity is a fictitious dystopian page-turner that shows the ramifications of unchecked power in a society. Rooted in historical events, it paints an eerie picture of what could come to be in the near future and the choices many Americans would be forced to make in a post-apocalyptic world.
Do you run or do you fight?
Are they your ally or do they have ulterior motives?
Where is the line between American patriot and militia rebel?
Moore and an eclectic cast of characters are woven together through events that are not for the faint of heart– their stories told with just the right level of detail to thrust you into the chaos, but with enough space to let your imagination fill in the terrifying blanks.
Could this be the end of civilization as we know it? Not if an old tank named Spanky has anything to say about it!
Read a free excerpt RIGHT HERE.
About the Author
Ed is a USAF veteran, retired police commander, former Chief Elected Official, internationally ranked police sniper, philanthropist, and entrepreneur. A vociferous consumer of white papers and general research, Ed believes that a good fictional book can and should provide real nuggets of knowledge. He believes American Calamity does just that.
- The Baby Gangs of Athens by David Brennan
- The Developer: Phase III (Avenue into the Abyss) – by Stephen P. Bye
- Beyond the Fields – by Beyond the Fields Author: Jyothi Bathina, Ph.D.Jyothi Bathina, Ph.D.
- Understanding Nazi Ideology: The Genesis and Impact of a Political Faith – Revised English Edition – by Carl Müller Frøland
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