Angela’s Desk

FRAUD ALERT: Why 5-Star Reviews on Trustpilot Can NOT Be Trusted - by James M. Walsh, Esq.

FRAUD ALERT: Why 5-Star Reviews on Trustpilot Can NOT Be Trusted - by James M. Walsh, Esq.

Trustpilot can censor true negative reviews (as they originally did to me). Yet, there are countless fake five-star reviews on their website...[...]

From The Home Office

Paying Markets

Statue Magazine

“We publish fiction short stories in a magazine format.” No reprints. Responds within 4 weeks. Guidelines online. Read more →

Thirteen Podcast

“Thirteen is a monthly audio fiction anthology podcast featuring atmospheric, slow burn, scary stories. Stories that will make you smile, break your heart, and have you wishing for a night light. Each episode is feature length and originally scored.” Pays on acceptance. Occasionally accepts reprints. Guidelines online. Read more →

Westerly Magazine

"Since 1956, Westerly has been publishing lively fiction and poetry as well as intelligent articles. The magazine has always sought to provide a Western Australian-based voice, although its contributors and subject matter have never been geographically exclusive. It covers literature and culture throughout the world, but maintains a special emphasis on Australia, particularly Western Australia, and the Asian region." Welcomes new writers. Bi-annual. Pays on publication. Period between acceptance and publication varies. Buys non-exclusive rights (rights remain with each writer). No reprints. Responds within one to two days. "Writers can get a sample of our publication through our website: free download of online special issues, full digital archive." Pays $180 to subscribers for stories ($135 + subscription for non-subscribers); $180 to subscribers for essays ($135 + subscription Read more →