5 Concourse Parkway NE, Suite 2850
Atlanta GA 30328
Phone: (877)481-5750
Fax: (877)588-3564
Website: https://www.worthpoint.com
Guidelines: https://www.worthpoint.com/page/careers
Editor: Wayne Jordan, Senior Editor
Email address: wayne.jordan@worthpoint.com
About The Publication:
“WorthPoint is a data subscription service specializing in the antiques and collectibles trade. Our site contains a price guide with over 520 million items and images (realized values) from both auction houses and online marketplaces. We also offer subscribers a catalog of makers marks and a digital library with over 1,000 books. We recruit writers on an ongoing basis for our blog, newsletters, and research (dictionary) pages. Good research skills and an engaging writing style are essential. Writers are paid monthly.” Weekly in print and daily online. Pays within 30 days of invoice. Publishes ms within 7-10 days of acceptance. Buys all rights. No reprints. Responds within two business days.
Pays $50-$100.
Current Needs:
“Articles of varying length (400 up to 1200 words). We have over 9,000 yet-to-be-written titles in our taxonomy. We have published over 5300 articles.” Pays $50/Dictionary page of 400-600 words, and accepts up to 20 submissions a calendar month. Pays $60/Dictionary page retroactively to the first article, if submitting more 20 or more articles per calendar month. Pays $100/Blog and Newsletter article 800-1,000 words. Writers also receive a full-access subscription. “Writers express interest by sending a resume to wayne.jordan@worthpoint.com. A writing sample is required. This can be in the form of links to existing writing or a pdf or Word doc attached to the resume. If the resume and sample are satisfactory we will execute an independent contractor’s Letter of Agreement and tax forms. If a sample isn’t satisfactory, we may request a suitable sample. Such a sample will not be published, and will not be paid for.”
$50 – $100
“All articles must be accompanied by three or more appropriate images. Thousands of fully-licensed images can be found on worthpoint.com. If off-site images are used, they must be licensed under the appropriate Creative Commons license.”
Welcomes New Writers: Yes