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The Almanac for Farmers & City Folk

The Almanac for Farmers & City Folk

“The fastest growing Farmer’s Almanac with the most accurate weather forecasting. Millions sold. A truly American tradition. Contains all the features you’d expect to find in a farmer’s almanac, including Weather Forecasts, Fishing, Planting, and Tide Tables, and Astronomical Data. THE ALMANAC also is packed with intriguing and informative stories and articles on a wide variety of interesting subjects for the whole family. There are plenty of stories and articles, trivia, nostalgia, anecdotes, cookery, and puzzles, as well as lots of helpful information.” Welcomes new writers. Annual. Pays on publication. Pays when each annual edition is published, in August of each year. Cut-off for submissions is March 31st. Buys First North American Serial Rights. Occasionally accepts reprints. Guidelines by email, or online

PAYS $45

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