diversify your writing income



“WineMaker, launched in 1998, covers the full gamut of the winemaking hobby, from beginners to experts, from wine kits to fresh grapes, and is published bi-monthly. Every issue includes expert advice and techniques, award-winning recipes and how-to projects to help you make great wine. Regular columns include troubleshooting common problems with the Wine Wizard, learning special techniques and tips on making a specific style of wine in Varietal Focus, refining your winemaking with Techniques, building gadgets in Projects, growing your own grapes in Backyard Vines and hearing tips, and stories and recipes from fellow home winemakers in Cellar Dwellers. WineMaker gives you practical, well-researched information in a fun format for all home winemakers – whether you use kits, concentrates, juices, non-grape fruits or fresh grapes.” Welcomes new writers. 85% freelance. Pays on publication. Publishes ms 3-6 months after acceptance. Buys all NA rights.

PAYS: $75-$300

Publish “A Daily Companion” to Complement Your Current Book, and Watch Your Book Sales Soar! – by Gary Sturgis, Author of: Surviving Grief – 365 Days a Year 

Publish “A Daily Companion” to Complement Your Current Book, and Watch Your Book Sales Soar! – by Gary Sturgis, Author of: Surviving Grief – 365 Days a Year 

When we think of a daily companion, we often think of something religious, like a devotional. But not all daily companion books are of a religious nature…

Greenprints: The Weeder’s Digest

Greenprints: The Weeder’s Digest

100% freelance. “GreenPrints is the “Weeder’s Digest.” We share the personal side of gardening, not the how-to: the heart, the humor, the inspiration, the significance, the healing, the warmth—through true stories of people’s experiences.” Welcomes new writers. Circ. 10K. Quarterly. Pays on acceptance. Buys First NA Serial rights. Accepts reprints. Responds quarterly in Feb., May, Aug., and Nov.

Pays $100-$150/article.

Acres USA

Acres USA

“An eco-agriculture magazine devoted to sustainable, organic farming and gardening, holistic human and animal health.” 50% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Circ. 18K. Monthly. Pays on publication. Publishes ms 1-3 months after acceptance. Buys first rights. Accepts reprints. Responds within one week.

Pays $0.10/word.

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