“Tate Publishing agreed to reimburse their victims but I never submitted a claim! What can I do?”

It’s NOT too late to file your claim! But, you need to hurry!!
It’s NOT too late to file your claim! But, you need to hurry!!
I was going to publish my book through Amazon’s KDP Print (previously named CreateSpace) but that has been a disaster…
There IS a way to produce high-quality, accurate, beautiful ebooks but it requires special software and some expertise.
If you pay a foreign outfit to edit your English-language book, you may end up with a manuscript in far worse shape.
There are countless editors, cover designers, website creators, and others offering their services to authors online. But, there are other unique services available to authors that may very well benefit them, their book, and their profits in the long-run! Are YOU one of these individuals? Or, are you seeking these types of services?
I hated to be snarky (actually, I didn’t hate it that much) but I had to tell her that…
We launched this service to counter the greedy rights’-grab currently occurring in the industry…
My publisher stopped paying royalties months ago and they’re not responding to emails or phone calls. I’m starting to panic a little bit…
DO NOT pay your publisher for cover design, editing, illustrating, or anything that THEY will own later!
Let’s consider these five types of clients that you may be familiar with…