When Your Computer Ruins Your Online Marketing Activities By Richard Hoy
Have you ever submitted text to be posted online, and later discovered odd characters in the place of punctuation?
Have you ever submitted text to be posted online, and later discovered odd characters in the place of punctuation?
Currently, I have two non-fiction e-books for sale on Amazon for $2.99. Both have been rewritten and professionally edited many times. I have done my best to promote them on social media. For example I have a Facebook Page, a Facebook Discussion Group, and a website/blog. I get a fair bit of traffic on the two Facebook sites and a little on the blog, but my sales at Amazon/Kindle are disappointingly low.
The publisher would probably LOVE to share the truth with the author, but he/she will not for very valid reasons.
Should you make readers wait when the book is already finished?
Today, book tours, like everything else, have gone virtual.
Marketing mistakes are time and money wasters!
Without consistent promotion, updating a book will be a complete waste of time.
This article is your primer to developing an income stream from a variety of unique author events!
Buying press release services to announce getting published in a small magazine is a very bad idea.
I am always stunned when authors flat refuse to promote their books. When I first hear this from an author (and, I do hear it a lot) I’m not sure if it’s ego, laziness, or apathy…