Can Facebook Reject Your Ad for Any Reason? Or, No Reason??

Can Facebook Reject Your Ad for Any Reason? Or, No Reason??

At BookLocker, we were honored when former White House Usher Christopher B. Emery contacted us to publish his book, WHITE HOUSE USHER: Stories from the Inside.

From January 1986 until March 1994, Chris Emery was part of one of the most unique services in the U.S. government — an usher in the White House.

For more than 200 years, a small office has operated on the State Floor of the White House Executive Residence. Known as the Usher’s Office, whose mission is to accommodate the personal needs of the first family, and to make the White House feel like a home. The Usher’s Office is the managing office of the Executive Residence and its staff of 90-plus. The staff consists of butlers, carpenters, grounds personnel, electricians, painters, plumbers, florists, maids, housemen, cooks, chefs, storekeepers, curators, calligraphers, doormen, and administrative support.

Ushers work closely with the first family, senior staff, Social Office, Press Office, Secret Service Agency, and military leaders to carry out White House functions: luncheons, dinners, teas, receptions, meetings, conferences, and more.

Chris Emery was only the 18th White House Usher since 1891, and had the honor and privilege to serve presidential families for three years during the Reagan administration, four years for President H. W. Bush, and 14 months under President Clinton. His vignettes recreate intimate White House happenings from an insider’s viewpoint.

Chris Emery was the only White House Usher to be terminated in the 20th century.

“With his book, White House Usher: Stories from the Inside, former usher Chris Emery gives his readers a peek inside what happens upstairs at the White House. Chris’ anecdotes tell a rich story of how America’s house really is the First Families, home. I loved my trip down memory lane.”

– Former First Lady Barbara Bush (October 2017)

As you can imagine, Christopher’s book has sold very well since it was published. Who wouldn’t want to read about the inner workings of the private residence of U.S. presidents?

Christopher followed up that popular book with a whodunnit novel that was, of course, about a White House Usher.

So, imagine Christopher’s surprise when he tried to run an ad on Facebook for his books, and received the following response:

“You have been rejected because your ad mentions politicians or is about sensitive social issues that could influence public opinion, how people vote and may impact the outcome of an election or pending legislation…”

Let’s break that down, shall we?

“You have been rejected because your ad mentions politicians…”

Is Facebook planning to remove every ad for every book and movie that mentions politicians? Are they planning to blacklist every author of non-fiction and fiction that mentions politicians, politics, or even the political history of our country?

“sensitive social issues that could influence public opinion, how people vote and may impact the outcome of an election or pending legislation…”

Facebook has already been accused of pushing political and social agendas – from both sides of the aisle!

Christopher appealed to Facebook but they wouldn’t budge. So, he’ll be spending his ad dollars elsewhere. And, honestly, he’ll probably sell more books doing that. Facebook ads, in our experience at least, really don’t work anymore.

Kudos to Christopher for using his Facebook rejection to promote his books on other social media sites! This is what he’s sharing:

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2 Responses to "Can Facebook Reject Your Ad for Any Reason? Or, No Reason??"

  1. Barry Knister  July 17, 2022 at 2:51 pm

    This spells trouble for my smell-all work-in-progress: “From Commode to Honey Wagon: Deep Inside the White House Septic system.”

  2. Pamela Allegretto  July 15, 2022 at 5:57 pm

    Both of his books sound fascinating. Can he still post the books in various FB book groups? Goodreads? BookBub? There’s lots of free venues, as you have mentioned in your “90 Days” book.