The Top 5 Best Selling Book Genres Every Author Should Know – by William Opar
If your goal is to profit from selling your future books, you first need to know the most popular book selling genres.
If your goal is to profit from selling your future books, you first need to know the most popular book selling genres.
Consider the benefits of working with a publicist.
90% of top brands use Instagram as a top marketing tool. Use these tools and you, too, could be trending!
Do YOU think this author’s friend really purchased his book?
With so many options available to sell your book today, it can be challenging and overwhelming for an author to stand out from the crowd…
Imagine Christopher’s surprise when he tried to run an ad on Facebook for his books, and received the following response…
I kept thinking I just need a push, something to get me higher sales numbers. Maybe a marketing company? Whatever my investment, I would certainly make it up in no time with all my new sales, right?
Have you ever submitted text to be posted online, and later discovered odd characters in the place of punctuation?
Currently, I have two non-fiction e-books for sale on Amazon for $2.99. Both have been rewritten and professionally edited many times. I have done my best to promote them on social media. For example I have a Facebook Page, a Facebook Discussion Group, and a website/blog. I get a fair bit of traffic on the two Facebook sites and a little on the blog, but my sales at Amazon/Kindle are disappointingly low.
The publisher would probably LOVE to share the truth with the author, but he/she will not for very valid reasons.