“Can I put a photo I took of a statue on my book’s cover?”
“I have a photograph that I took of a statue that I would like to use as cover/back cover art for a book I’ve written. The statue sits in…”
“I have a photograph that I took of a statue that I would like to use as cover/back cover art for a book I’ve written. The statue sits in…”
MORE: CNN settles with juvenile they harassed online; Employee fired after tweeting about bad holiday gift from employer, and Russia retracts more than 800 papers in “academic journals.”
Chef sues over rating he received in a book; Disgusting author exposed; Politician sues paper for big bucks; Is editorial bias the new norm?; Writer sues town over tax designation; CA law will leave countless writers destitute; and Journalist sues magazine for $25M.
“Three of my characters are based directly on real, living people. All three have read my novel, and given me permission to represent them as I have but…”
Make it clear you expect to be paid. Otherwise the law says they can use your article for free.
Star Trek Writer Dies; Man sued by club for defamation; and Tariffs aren’t affecting ALL books
Imagine going to a bookstore, and buying a non-fiction book on how to holistically treat a venereal disease you picked up last week, or a book on…
My friend said, “If you write about me, I’ll sue you.” But, I’ve already published the book!
Blogger gets sued for exposing police corruption; Chicago Tribune’s Spanish paper shut down; Broadcaster sued by Lt. Governor for defamation; Actress writer op-ed, doesn’t name names, still gets sued; and Can you libel a dead person?
Some authors are tempted to write what they want, and to hell with anyone who doesn’t like it.