Accused Killer Novelist Wants out of Jail for COVID
Romance novelist, seeking coronavirus release, killed chef husband for $1.1 million in insurance: prosecutors
“Her lawyers have asked a judge to release her to home detention, contending that she is ‘at risk of imminent death in jail’ because she is in a high-risk category…”
School District Bans “Great Gatsby” and other books.
Alaska school board bans 5 ‘controversial’ books, including Maya Angelou work
“Board member Jeff Taylor described the controversial content as ‘things that are pretty serious problems, especially in our teenage world.'”
Google Deemed to be a Publisher
Google is a ‘publisher’ says Aussie court as it hands £20k damages to gangland lawyer
“Google has had a torrid time while claiming not to be responsible for search results on its webpages.”
HP Updates Printers to Only Use HP Ink. Have You Heard About This?!
Florida man might just stick it to HP for injecting sneaky DRM update into his printers that rejected non-HP ink
“HP had automatically updated his two printers so they would no longer accept ink cartridges from third-party vendors – cartridges he had already bought and installed.”
State Statutes Cannot be Copyrighted.
Supreme Court rules against Georgia in copyright dispute
“Whatever work that judge or legislator produces in the course of his judicial or legislative duties is not copyrightable.”
Copyright Battle in Canada
After Loss on Appeal, Canadian Publishers Say Copyright System Is Broken
“Acts of infringement do not turn infringers into licensees so as to make them liable for the payment of royalties,” the court held.
Even in a Pandemic, People STILL buy Books!
The Pandemic Is Changing Book-Buying Patterns
“Given all the disruptions to the global economy caused by the new coronavirus, unit sales of print books held up relatively well in the first quarter of 2020…”
Newspaper not COVID Proof
New York Post Publisher Tells Staff That Business Is ‘Drastically Disrupted’ by Coronavirus, Announces Layoffs
“‘The paper is dying,’ said one staffer who was axed.”
INTERESTING READ! What was Elvis’ Favorite Bible Book?
Elvis Presley’s notes show he probably read this book of the Bible most
“And in the back of that Bible, there’s also some writing and some stanzas that he’s written in there and poems and other things that really spoke to him.”

7.625 STRATEGIES IN EVERY BEST-SELLER - Revised and Expanded Edition

At this moment, thousands of would-be authors are slaving away on their keyboards, dreaming of literary success. But their efforts won’t count for much. Of all those manuscripts, trade book editors will sign up only a slim fraction.
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Read more here:
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