“My friends gave me verbal permission to include them in my book. Can they sue me later?”

“Three of my characters are based directly on real, living people. All three have read my novel, and given me permission to represent them as I have but…”
“Three of my characters are based directly on real, living people. All three have read my novel, and given me permission to represent them as I have but…”
Make it clear you expect to be paid. Otherwise the law says they can use your article for free.
Star Trek Writer Dies; Man sued by club for defamation; and Tariffs aren’t affecting ALL books
Imagine going to a bookstore, and buying a non-fiction book on how to holistically treat a venereal disease you picked up last week, or a book on…
My friend said, “If you write about me, I’ll sue you.” But, I’ve already published the book!
Blogger gets sued for exposing police corruption; Chicago Tribune’s Spanish paper shut down; Broadcaster sued by Lt. Governor for defamation; Actress writer op-ed, doesn’t name names, still gets sued; and Can you libel a dead person?
Some authors are tempted to write what they want, and to hell with anyone who doesn’t like it.
MORE: B&N CEO $70M Firing Lawsuit Continues; Journalism Students Losing Hope in Their Futures; Amazon Wins Discrimination Suit
It’s one thing to not be paying your authors’ royalties but it’s QUITE ANOTHER to have the balls to actually…
MORE: No constitutional safeguards for free speech in Australia; No more satire in Venezuala; Congress eyeing ebook access control; Barnes and Noble still battling ex-CEO.