Simon and Schuster is for sale; Popular author sued for molestation; Publisher is cancelling contracts; and much more! …In the News 03/05/2020

Simon and Schuster is for sale; Popular author sued for molestation; Publisher is cancelling contracts; and much more! …In the News 03/05/2020

Well, this is a heckuva time to send them packing.
U.S. Orders Cap on Chinese State Media Personnel
“The Trump administration is ordering China’s major state media companies to sharply reduce the ranks of Chinese nationals in the U.S. in retaliation for years of tightening restrictions on American news outlets by Beijing.”

Pretty stupid thing to post no matter which side of the aisle you’re on.
Denver Democrat faces backlash after tweeting ‘solidarity’ for spreading coronavirus at Trump rallies
“CdeBaca, apparently posting in jest, had retweeted a meme that said: ‘For the record, if I do get the coronavirus I’m attending every MAGA rally I can.'”

Interesting lesson on writing news vs. opinion
I was sued for defamation: Here’s what happened next
“But it was the second part of my story that Dickerson wanted to focus on. Given the context of what Dickerson did, I found it necessary to mix my opinion with the news…”

What I’d like to know is who’s choosing some of these textbooks to be used when educating your young people?
What Does a Class Action Lawsuit Over College Textbooks Have to Do with Designer Bags?
“According to the plaintiffs’ complaint, ‘Amidst trends of market-shifting and revenue decline in the higher education course materials industry, the defendants conspired to protect their historical price increases and stranglehold on the market’ and shut out even their most ‘sophisticated’ competitors (i.e., the plaintiffs), who say that by providing students the option to buy used textbooks and to rent textbooks, as well as access other more cost-effective course materials, they serve as “at least some check on [the defendants’] exorbitant prices and relentless price increases.'”

The writer admitted that one of the accusing employees was his personal friend.
Ex-Gawker editor sues Daily Beast over story portraying her as racist
“A former Gawker editor has sued the Daily Beast over an explosive exposé last year that portrayed her as racist and homophobic, claiming it destroyed her career and was driven by a reporter’s ‘personal agenda.'”

The publishing division probably isn’t their biggest money-maker…
ViacomCBS to Sell Publisher Simon and Schuster
“He added that the publishing unit ‘is not a core asset. It is not video-based. It does not have significant connection for our broader business.'”

I saw a box of Cold Eeze on sale at Amazon last night for $500 and another for $149! I reported the sellers for price gouging and the listings have already been removed.
Amazon Warns of Delays After Stampede of Virus-Spooked Shoppers
“ Inc.’s Prime Now and Amazon Fresh delivery services have been overwhelmed by demand, a sign that virus-spooked shoppers are turning to the world’s largest online retailer to avoid going to brick-and-mortar stores.”

If this really happened, how could Amazon possibly think this info. wouldn’t eventually get out?
Ex-Amazon manager says she scoured applicants’ social media to determine race, gender
“Lisa McCarrick is suing the giant online retailer, claiming she was fired after raising concerns about using prospective hires’ social media to figure out their race and gender.”

He is being sued by another woman as well.
Popular New Age author Marc Gafni molested 13-year-old girl in 1980, lawsuit says
“For years, a New York woman could do nothing but watch helplessly as the New Age author she says molested her as a child admitted and defended his nauseating conduct to Dr. Phil and The New York Times — until Wednesday, when she sued him in Manhattan Supreme Court, thanks to the new Child Victims Act.”

This isn’t a surprise. But, BookExpo and BookCon have NOT been cancelled.
London Book Fair Canceled
“Citing concerns about the potential spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus, Reed Exhibitions has canceled this year’s London Book Fair (LBF). The the event was scheduled to start next week.”

This is always a sign of big trouble at a publisher!
Mass Contract Cancellations at Mystery Publisher Henery Press
“A number of the cancellations affected books that had been completed, turned in, and scheduled for publication, with some authors having already made promotional plans. Others interrupted series whose first installment hadn’t yet been published–with Henery holding on to the yet-to-be-published book and reverting rights to the rest.”

I receive questions from authors all the time about book fairs. I always tell them they’ll very likely not even come close to earning back what they spent. Shame on publishers who sell these packages to their authors!
Authors: Think Twice Before Paying to Exhibit at Book Expo (BEA)
“This is not a good opportunity for an author who has just published their first book, and thinks visibility at BEA might fix their marketing and promotion problems. It will not.”

Read More "In The News" Here.

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The Art and Craft of Writing and Editing

Writing is a constant dialogue between author and reader.

The craft of writing involves an interchange of emotions between an author and a reader. An author creates a story line, conflict, and characters, gives his characters words to speak, and then hands off these materials to a reader. This process results in a constant dialogue between the mental imagery produced by a reader and that proposed by the author.

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One Response to "Simon and Schuster is for sale; Popular author sued for molestation; Publisher is cancelling contracts; and much more! …In the News 03/05/2020"

  1. Wendy Jones  March 6, 2020 at 7:58 pm

    I honestly can’t say that I am surprised in what I read about yet another big-name publishing house, Simon and Schuster and their financial troubles. The small(er) POD presses are killing the big ones, bit by bit.

    I personally can’t say that I am at all sorry to see them go under. Trying to get your work in print with one of them was like trying to climb a mountain. True, some make it to the top and I wish all those that do, well. In truth, only a small handful of authors find it worth it in the end. The time they spent getting there did not necessarily equal the money they thought they would get from publishing with a big-name publisher.

    I suspect that only one or two ‘Big Fish’ will remain as time moves on. Few people care if the spine or the legal page says, ‘Simon & Schuster’ any more. People are interested in the quality of the story between the pages.