Why It’s a Bad Idea to Delay Releasing Your Book

Do you recommend waiting to release my book?
Do you recommend waiting to release my book?
A personal connection, and some crafty add-ons to the end of your audiobook(s) will keep readers coming back for more!
Seven simple mistakes authors make when trying to sell books online.
You might be ignoring one of the most effective book marketing methods there is, the traditional email newsletter.
Be sure to include a letter with each package. Creating a personal connection will sell far more copies.
If your goal is to profit from selling your future books, you first need to know the most popular book selling genres.
Consider the benefits of working with a publicist.
Authors of all sizes are jumping on board with video posts and video advertisements.
Holding signings at special events, and speaking for local organizations, will sell a LOT more books!
Even though your potential audience members can’t see inside the pages of your book, they will definitely judge its quality based on the cover!