
NEW! 2025 Self-Publishing Price Comparison!!

NEW! 2025 Self-Publishing Price Comparison!!

Considering self-publishing this year? Check out this price comparison featuring 14 of the most well-known Print on Demand publishing service providers!

SELF-PUBLISHING IN 2023? – How Many Book Sales Needed to Recoup Your Investment?

Considering self-publishing? How many copies would you need to sell to earn back your investment? Compare these 17 popular POD publishers!

Employees (Allegedly) Reveal Behind-the-Scenes Info. about CreateSpace, Xlibris, Author Solutions, Infinity Publishing, Lulu, and Outskirts Press

Employees (Allegedly) Reveal Behind-the-Scenes Info. about CreateSpace, Xlibris, Author Solutions, Infinity Publishing, Lulu, and Outskirts Press

Want to get the inside scoop on a publishing company? Look no further than their employees! (And, beware of false “positive” reviews posted online!)

BookBaby’s Unfair Contract Clause! By Angela Hoy

BookBaby’s Unfair Contract Clause! By Angela Hoy

We were recently contacted by an author who was unhappy with BookBaby, and wanted to move his book to BookLocker. But, after sending us his files, and discussing formatting, etc., he asked about how to terminate his contract with BookBaby. I told him to read his BookBaby contract, find the termination clause, and follow the instructions there. He found his contract, read it, and wrote me back, not at all happy with what he discovered…