When Your Vehicle Starts Dropping Metal Chunks on the Road, But It STILL RUNS!

When Your Vehicle Starts Dropping Metal Chunks on the Road, But It STILL RUNS!

Back in 2006, we bought a 2005 (used) Ford F-150 truck. It was maroon and it was shiny back then. We paid it off early and we’ve been enjoying it ever since. Not having a car payment is Heaven and I was DETERMINED to drive that thing into the ground. And, I did!

The wonderful, beautiful, absolutely magical thing about that truck was it NEVER BROKE DOWN. Sure, the battery died a couple of times over the years. It needed new tires a few times. A politician in Florida bumped it, breaking one of the rearview mirrors. And, the air conditioner needed repair in the summer of 2019. But, it never broke down. It ALWAYS took us where we wanted to go. No engine problems ever!!

After leaving Maine in 2011, we started noticing some bubbling in the paint. No big deal. The resale value on it by that time was probably $3000 or so. Yet, it kept running. The bubbling became cracking. And, the cracking eventually turned into metal chunks falling off the sides of the bottom. No kidding! Yet, it kept running!!

A few months ago, I had to go pick up Mason and it was raining when I got into the truck. And, that’s when I noticed a drip, drip, drip coming from above my head. I arrived at my destination, opened the door, stood up from the inside, and inspected the roof. Two ginormous holes surrounded with rust were there. I had no idea they were there! And, yet, THE TRUCK KEPT RUNNING!!

So, Brian came to the rescue, and filled the holes with Bond-O for me. No more leaks!! It was, by far, the ugliest vehicle in every parking lot we visited in town but, again, IT STILL RAN!

Around November, another huge metal chunk was hanging from the side. When they start dragging on the ground, they can make quite a ruckus! I asked Brian to cut it off for me. He did. He also took the truck to run an errand. When he came back, he said, “I’m worried. Your truck isn’t going to live much longer.”

I kind of knew that in the back of my mind. But, dang it, it was STILL RUNNING!

Then, last month, I was pulling out of the parking lot here and I heard a “flub, flub, flub.” I pulled back in, and asked Mason to check the tires. The front right one was very, very low. Now, I’m a tightwad but I’m not dumb enough to buy tires for a truck that is literally falling apart on the road. It was time. I had to bid my dear friend goodbye.

I have spent every spare moment since then shopping for just the right replacement truck online. Countless forms submitted through dealership websites. More countless emails exchanged with pushy, rude salespeople. Some of them managed to get me to give up my phone number. Many of those did not end well (for them). Covid has made car shopping simple because it’s all done online, including the negotiations. But, many dealerships simply won’t offer additional discounts beyond what is featured on their website.

I LOVE haggling. Family members take me along when buying a car because I’m VERY good at it.

To make a long story even longer, I FINALLY finished the dreaded task and, yesterday, I drove my new truck home. But, it’s not an F-150. There seems to be a shortage of those available right now and I wasn’t willing to fork over THAT much money for one.

Is it weird that I’m missing my old one? I wonder where she is. She was in really bad shape so I doubt she’d even make it to auction. Have they already smooshed her down? Are her remains sitting forlornly in a junkyard somewhere? Does she…miss me???

All sad kidding aside though…my new truck looks awesome and Mason, who will start driving in June, asked if he could use it to pick up chicks. I told him, “Sure! But, take good care of her because we’re going to have her forever and we’re literally going to ‘drive her into the ground.'”

Maybe she’ll outlive ME!! 😉


Angela Hoy lives on a mountain in North Georgia. She is the publisher of WritersWeekly.com, the President and CEO of BookLocker.com and AbuzzPress, and the author of 24 books.

Follow Angela: twitter | facebook | linkedin

Angela is the creator of the Original 24-Hour Short Story Contest!
Learn more here: https://24hourshortstorycontest.com/


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3 Responses to "When Your Vehicle Starts Dropping Metal Chunks on the Road, But It STILL RUNS!"

  1. p  January 23, 2021 at 1:52 pm

    A new truck. How fun. What’s her name?

    • By Angela Hoy - Publisher of WritersWeekly.com  January 29, 2021 at 8:58 pm

      I haven’t named her yet. I’m waiting to get a feel for her personality. 🙂

  2. Linda G  January 23, 2021 at 8:49 am


    We could likely write a book together (or a hilarious play) about our escapades and adventures. No they don’t like to help, they want to sell hence the rudeness. They have bosses. Do what I do for that kind of treatment. I should tell you about the hot shot little boy (around 19) who decided to show his buddies in the hardware store how he could treat this little ignorant and empty headed woman. I asked where the phone line extensions were.

    “We don’t sell those Ma’am” he said and had that pompous look on his face as he glanced at his coworkers.

    “They were right here yesterday,” I said and without taking my eyes off him (get back into those sockets), I pointed to the stand right beside him. “Do you not know what you sell in your own store?”

    Yes. We could be famous Angie. That truck was likely remade by that boy’s cousin and I am glad it didn’t get you into an accident.
