If writing about business-related content is what you do best, there are tons of markets willing to pay you for that, including the established ones. Read the submission guidelines and visit their site to familiarize yourself with their published content and avoid pitching about something covered. Check out the following paying business markets, writing guidelines, and what they’re willing to pay.
Inc. is the online platform for Inc. Magazine, an American business media company. It’s the go-to resource for entrepreneurs and business people who want to learn about start-ups, finance, business growth, and business management.
Inc. invites submissions for columns from business experts and writers well-versed in topics about business. In your proposal (find the form on the submission guidelines page), include why your contribution will benefit Inc.com readers, what you’ll write about, and 10 sample headlines. According to Who Pays Writers, Inc. pays writers $0.33 per word.
Submission guidelines: https://www.inc.com/inc-columnist-proposal-pitch-form.html
Michelle Pippin is an expert for women entrepreneurs, and her blog caters to business-driven women entrepreneurs. The website provides business insights to women. It features straightforward articles about personal finance and marketing strategies. She is seeking writers with business expertise to share. The website accepts hacks and tips that can bring impact, but you must have first-hand experience. They like clever, witty, informative articles that provide readers with practical insights. The website pays from $50 – $150 per article via PayPal.
Submission guidelines: https://www.bmichellepippin.com/get-paid-to-share-your-expertise-with-us/
Business Insider is a top financial and business online news publication. The publication accepts both contributors and freelance writers. To contribute, you must be a high-profile expert and leader, such as an executive, entrepreneur, etc. As a freelance writer, you can send pitches on how-tos, personal essays, reported features, and diaries. Payment keeps changing, but according to Who Pays Writers, they pay between $0.10 and $0.41 per word.
Submission guidelines: https://www.businessinsider.com/how-to-write-for-business-insider-2020-4
ElitePersonalFinance is a platform whose aim is to arm millennials with financial knowledge from an expert’s point of view. While the platform’s primary focus isn’t business, they have a section that publishes business-related articles. ElitePersonalFinance invites writers to contribute interesting articles with unique content. Payment is $300 for an article of between 1,000 and 3,000 words.
Submission guidelines: https://www.elitepersonalfinance.com/write-for-us/
WIRED is an American magazine that explores trendy technology, including how it affects business. Although business content isn’t their main theme, they have a section for business-related freelance stories to which you can pitch. This publication encourages writers to pitch stories about people, companies, and trends. Its articles’ word count runs from 2000 to 10,000, but they prefer 5,000 words, and payment starts from $2,500 per feature article.
Submission guidelines: https://www.wired.com/about/how-to-pitch-stories-to-wired/
Income Diary is a website targeting web entrepreneurs and offers guidance on how to earn money online. The website doesn’t exclusively publish business articles. However, you can pitch for business-related content for the “Business” section and educate its audience on how to make money online.
Income Diary is looking for writers who are experts in creating online income-generation content. Articles must be high quality and over 2000 words. Payment is up to $200.
Submission guidelines: https://www.incomediary.com/write-for-incomediary/
Long Island Woman is an entertaining and informative bimonthly publication that caters to the interests of women over 50 of Nassau and Suffolk counties. It’s not an exclusive business-related publication, but it accepts content that appeals to women over 50, and writers can pitch ideas in business-related articles. Payment is $80 – $225, depending on the word count for articles of 500 to 2500 words.
Submission guidelines: https://www.liwomanonline.com/guidelines.php
From Day One is a conference series that explores innovative strategies for businesses to improve their relationships with employees, customers, and communities. Its newsletter consists of articles and features that discuss creative approaches leaders are taking to solve challenges in total rewards and employee satisfaction.
From Day One is seeking freelance journalists to write stories that explore the human aspects of how companies can establish solid values and implement them in their operations. They want writers to explore the relationship between business and those around them. Payment is $200 to $300 for 800 to 1,000 words.
Submission guidelines: https://www.fromdayone.co/contribute
eCommerce Insiders is a platform that offers insights and commentary from professionals who work with digital marketers and online retailers. The site focuses on valuable information, strategies, and resources to improve eCommerce businesses’ performance.
eCommerce Insiders is seeking submissions from writers who are experts in the eCommerce field to provide educational content. Writers should have direct experience in the eCommerce sector, either as providers to online retailers or as retailers, so that their insights and perspectives are grounded in real-world knowledge.
Payment is as follows:
- $75 for 400-600 words articles
- $125 for articles not exceeding 600 words
- $150 for articles that exceed 600 words
Submission guidelines: https://ecommerceinsiders.com/write/
The FreelanceMom is a website that supports women, particularly moms interested in starting and managing home-based businesses. The website helps them find inspiration and understand entrepreneurship as they raise their children. Content on FreelanceMom includes home idea businesses, home business opportunities, and work-at-home mom ideas.
FreelanceMom is looking for writers with case studies and mom stories. Articles should offer actionable tips and be well-researched with references to research. The website accepts guest articles within 900 to 1,500 words. Payment is $75 to $100 via PayPal, with bonuses of $150 for most shared articles.
Submission guidelines: https://www.freelancemom.com/guest-post-guidelines/
- 12 Paying Needlework, Textile, and Jewelry-Making Markets for Writers – by Karoki Githure
- 12 Paying Regional Markets For Writers – by Karoki Githure
- 9 Thriller, Crime, and Mystery Markets That Pay Freelance Writers! – by Karoki Githure
- Paying Disability Markets For Writers By Karoki Githure
- Farming & Gardening Paying Markets for Writers By Karoki Githure
- 6 Ways to Ensure AI Doesn’t End Your Freelance Writing Career By Karoki Githure
Karoki Githure is a full-time freelance writer who passionately writes about how to make a killing as a writer. When he is not writing, he is a diehard lover of music, novels, and adventures. Connect with Karoki on Freelance Writing Jobs Worldwide and his personal website.
a self-publishing services company that has been in business since 1998. Ask her anything.


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