If you love writing about diverse cultures, climates, economies, politics, and other issues surrounding different geographical regions, publications want to buy your content! While you must have academic qualifications for some publications, others don’t require prior experience. The secret is to familiarize yourself with their previous publications to get the gist of their content and read the submission guidelines before pitching.
- Minority Africa
Minority Africa is a digital publication that tells stories focused on how minority groups engineer solutions themselves (not NGOs) and implement them to solve their problems. Minority Africa publishes text, video, or photo content, but the prerequisite is that the content is backed up with data. The publication seeks journalists, writers, filmmakers, and reporters who can write and film regardless of prior reporting experience. They pay $100-$200 for features.
Submission guidelines: https://minorityafrica.org/pitch-guide/
- Reader’s Digest Asia
Reader’s Digest Asia is a publication looking for storytellers with true, inspiring, and life-changing stories that haven’t been published before. They welcome true stories about a single theme or incident that made a difference in the writer’s life. You could also write stories about pets or wildlife. The life-changing stories should be between 800 and 1000 words, and they pay $200. Stories about animals should be 300 words long, and they pay $100 for them.
Submission guidelines: https://www.rdasia.com/terms-and-conditions/submission-guidelines
- South America Backpacker
South America Backpacker is a magazine containing information that backpackers share with others distributed in hostels and adventure categories. It contains itineraries, travel guides, how-tos, and activity guides. The website invites experienced and non-experienced writers to submit articles, photos, and travel guides, particularly about less-visited places. Articles should be between 1,500 and 5,000 words, and they pay writers $50 for their first published article.
Submission guidelines: https://southamericabackpacker.com/about-us/write-for-us/
- What’s On Africa
What’s On Africa is a vibrant platform that showcases African culture, arts, and entertainment. The site seeks writers who can highlight various cultural events, artistic performances, and creative expressions vis-a-vis African heritage and specific African cities. Apart from articles, they also welcome reviews on film, books, live events, and theater performances, as well as opinions and commentary pieces about business, development, and the creative economy. They accept submission articles from 1200 to 1500 words long and pay £80. Opinions and commentary pieces should be 500 to 700 words long, while reviews can be 500 to 1200 words long. They pay £50 for reviews and £80 for long reviews.
Submission guidelines: https://whatsonafrica.org/about/2973-2/
- Eat Your World
Eat Your World is a publication about the best local foods and drinks around the world to guide readers on what to eat during their travels. It seeks food and travel writers to contribute original articles and photos, particularly those that are native or traditional, to their site. They also have other columns for food-related trips, recipes from afar, Q&As with local food producers, roundups(recaps of best local eats), and stories of the origin of foods. Writers must submit well-formed pitches rather than finished drafts. If your pitch is successful, they pay from $75 to $125, depending on the scope and length of the article. Eat Your World pays $350 to $500 for destination guides.
Submission guidelines: https://eatyourworld.com/write-for-us/
STATEMENT Africa is a media company that tells stories about Africa’s creative industries. They accept pitches from freelance writers with original story ideas that provide a fresh angle on current topics related to African arts, fashion, and entertainment. The key elements they are looking for are the creative challenges, trends, interviews/profiles, and influences in the industry. STATEMENT Africa pays up to $1 per word for accepted articles.
Submission guidelines: https://www.creativewritingnews.com/statement-africa-is-accepting-pitches-how-to-submit-pay-1-word/
- TheCollector
TheCollector is an online publication that covers topics related to ancient and modern history, philosophy, religion, art, and literature. The site aims to provide well-researched, academic-level content on these subjects to educate and inform readers. To write for TheCollector, you must possess an academic degree related to the topics you wish to write about, such as a Bachelor of Arts, Master’s degree, or PhD. Alternatively, you may be a researcher or academic affiliated with a university or research institution. TheCollector pays a nominal fee of $50-60 per article via PayPal.
Submission guidelines: https://www.thecollector.com/write-for-us/
- High Country News
High Country News covers the complexities of the Western U.S., and their stories cover climate change, land, waters, wildlife, indigenous affairs, justice and equity, and Western life, culture, and politics. They’re looking for contributors with an excellent understanding of the place and issues they are writing about. High Country News pays $1 per word for reported content and $0.50 per word for essays and reviews. The rates apply to both print and online publications.
Submission guidelines: https://www.hcn.org/about/submissions/
- Informed Comment
Informed Comment is a platform that publishes opinion pieces and analyses primarily focused on Middle Eastern politics, U.S. foreign policy, and green energy issues. They expect writers to be high-powered professionals with advanced degrees and extensive publishing experience in major outlets like The Washington Post, The Nation, or Salon. Informed Comment seeks topical and original opinion pieces focusing on a single argument, typically 800 to 1,000 words. They pay $100 for accepted pieces via PayPal.
Submission guidelines: https://www.juancole.com/about/freelance-submissions
- Chesapeake Family
Chesapeake Family is a media company that publishes a monthly parenting magazine, guides, e-newsletters, and a website covering parts of Maryland. They publish articles covering parenting, education, health, family activities, and local events. Chesapeake is looking for professional writers to write about fun things that parents can do, such as seasonal, outdoor, and indoor activities, and how to raise children. They should also interview at least 3 local experts and include relevant resources. They pay $75-$200, and the pieces should be around 1,000 words in features and 750 words in columns.
Submission guidelines: https://www.chesapeakefamily.com/writers-guidelines/
- Honolulu Magazine
HONOLULU Magazine has been a prestigious publication since 1888, providing a sophisticated guide to life in Hawaii. The magazine aims to motivate readers to explore and enhance their lives and communities. The publication seeks freelancers to write about lifestyle trends, personality profiles, history, sports, and politics, all related to Hawaii. They pay up to about $1,800 for feature stories.
Submission guidelines: https://www.honolulumagazine.com/guidelines-for-freelancing/
- MyNorth.com
MyNorth is a lifestyle publication exclusively about the Northwestern Michigan region, providing readers with insights into local culture, events, food, travel, and outdoor activities. They are looking for articles rooted in the local area whose topics include nature, culture, arts, food and drink, homes, history, and outdoor activities related to northern Michigan. Articles typically range from 800 to 1,500 words, depending on the subject matter, and the payment is $50–$100 for online articles of any length and $50 to $700 for print pieces.
Submission guidelines: https://mynorth.com/contact-us/Writing-Submission-Guidelines/
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Karoki Githure is a full-time freelance writer who passionately writes about how to make a killing as a writer. When he is not writing, he is a diehard lover of music, novels, and adventures. Connect with Karoki on Freelance Writing Jobs Worldwide and his personal website.
a self-publishing services company that has been in business since 1998. Ask her anything.