Are you a writer with a keen interest in the farming and gardening niche? The following publications are always looking for unique content. Go through their writer’s guidelines to understand what they are and aren’t interested in. Do a quick search on the topic in the publication you’d like to pitch. They are more likely to be interested if they don’t already have an article on your topic.
- The American Gardener: Pays $150-$600
The American Gardener is the American Horticultural Society’s official bimonthly publication. It advocates and educates readers about earth-friendly and sustainable gardening practices. The magazine targets experienced amateur gardeners as well as horticultural professionals.
Feature articles run between 1,500 to 2,500 words, but they also accept shorter submissions of 600 to 1000 words for their Homegrown Harvest, Natural Connections, and Plant in the Spotlight departments. Payment for feature articles ranges between $300 to $600, depending on the article’s length, complexity, and the writer’s background and publishing experience. Payment for the departments’ submissions ranges from $150 to $200.
They prefer writers with strong journalistic styles and gardening experience or training.
Writer’s guidelines: https://ahsgardening.org/gardening-resources/gardening-publications/the-american-gardener/writers-guidelines/
- Texas Gardener: Pays $50-$200
Texas Gardener is a bimonthly magazine that covers from an organic, earth-friendly perspective vegetable and fruit production, landscape and trees, flowers and ornamentals, techniques, and features on gardeners. They are only interested in articles full of practical, how-to information on gardening in Texas.
Feature articles are in the 1200-to 1500-word range and pay $50 to $200. Submissions for their “Between Neighbors” column, essays about gardening and gardening experiences, should be 600-700 words and pay $50.
Writer’s Guidelines: https://texasgardener.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Writer-Guidelines-2021.pdf
- Homestead.org: Pays $100
Homestead.org is a publication that targets beginners and experts interested in homesteading. They cover various topics such as recipes, how-tos, land, lifestyle, and self-employment, among others, submitted by experienced homesteaders.
They are looking for interesting nonfiction homestead-related articles. Interested writers should have some SEO knowledge to optimize the article for better search engine rankings. Manuscripts should be accompanied by photographs or illustrations related to your article. Payment is $100 per accepted manuscript of around 1,000-2,500 words or more, with sufficient images.
Writer’s Guidelines: https://www.homestead.org/write-for-homestead-org/writers-guidelines/
- Backwoods Home Magazine: Pays $40 per printed page
Backwoods Home Magazine is a quarterly homesteading magazine that teaches its audience about a self-reliant lifestyle. They show people how to grow food, build homes, generate alternate energy, and make a living in the countryside. The magazine also covers related subjects such as food preservation, country skills, health, raising animals, arts and crafts, homeschooling, and recipes. The publisher of WritersWeekly, Angela Hoy, subscribes to this publication!
Even though they appreciate concise writing, they are more interested in the whole story. They want their readers to know how to do things and not just that something can be done. When submitting a manuscript, include, if possible, illustrations, photos, diagrams, or drawings.
They pay about $40 or more per printed page, depending on the article’s length, writing quality, and picture quality.
Writer’s Guidelines: https://www.backwoodshome.com/contact-us/writers-guidelines/
- Mother Earth News: Pays $25-$100
Mother Earth News is a bimonthly publication promoting more financially independent, self-sufficient, and environmentally aware lifestyles. It covers organic gardening, sustainable homesteading, country skills, real food, renewable energy, farming, and livestock, among other topics.
The magazine welcomes articles and high-resolution photos for its “Country Lore” department. The section covers handy how-to tips of 100 to 300 words; payment is $25 to $100 per published item. They value practicality and prefer informative, well-documented, and engaging article ideas.
Writer’s Guidelines: https://www.motherearthnews.com/writers-guidelines/
- Blue Ridge Country: Pays $25-$250
Blue Ridge Country is a bi-monthly magazine covering everything about the Blue Ridge region, such as husbandry and farming, traditions and recipes, and the things inspiring people to visit and learn about. The magazine encourages writers to submit story ideas with sample clips. If interested in writing for Blue Ridge Country, pitch article ideas on farming and gardening in the region. They pay from $25 (for department shorts and book reviews) up to about $250 for longer pieces upon publication.
Writer’s Guidelines: https://blueridgecountry.com/business/edititorial-guidelines.html
- GreenPrints: Pays $100-$150
GreenPrints is a resource for entertaining, inspirational, and true stories about gardening. They are interested in the human side of gardening – the stories and experiences of gardening. Therefore, the kind of submission they’d prefer is from a writer who cares about gardening and wants to share their experiences with other gardeners. They consider fiction too but should offer something unique that the nonfiction they receive doesn’t have. Payment is $100 and $150 per story; most pieces are 600-1,500 words. The publisher of WritersWeekly, Angela Hoy, subscribes to this publication, too!
Writer’s Guidelines: https://greenprints.com/writers-guidelines/
Karoki is a full-time freelance writer and loves sharing with other writers on ways to earn through writing.
We are always seeking new and informative articles at WritersWeekly. We pay $60 for around 600 words. If you would like to submit an article, please see our guidelines first RIGHT HERE.
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