Articles About Common Author Marketing Pitfalls

“Where can I find a trustworthy book marketing company? I keep finding sharks.”

Q - I’m looking for a successful, trustworthy book marketing company. Can you advise please? I keep finding sharks. - ...

THE SALES KILLER! Thinking of Giving Your Book a One-Word Title? THINK AGAIN!

An author recently submitted a manuscript for us to publish at The book's title is one word. A very ...

A List of Publishers and Services That ALL Authors Should AVOID AT ALL COSTS!


Sell Yourself, Not Your Book – by Michael Allan Mallory

You’re an author at an in-person event, a bookstore, a craft fair, or a book festival, hoping to entice shoppers ...

What’s the best way to build momentum in publicity and sales for my book?

Q - I published my book but my publisher offers very limited support in promoting your book. I have received ...

Update on Our Foreign Publishing Scammers Exposé

We've been working fast and furious on the project but we still have hundreds more to research. I wanted to ...
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How Your Social Media Activity Can Destroy Your Business By Maxwell Ivey, The Blind Blogger

Did you know that your social media activities can negatively affect your income as a writer and/or author? When most ...

“I have no idea how to get my book noticed while avoiding scammers…”

Q - I have just published a book, and have gotten a call from Spotlight. I realized that I have ...

If You Are Called By Spotlight Network TV / Spotlight TV / Logan Crawford, HANG UP!

YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS THIS ONE!!! If you can keep track of the names and URLs, this post is ...

BookLocker Still Doesn’t Take Rights from Authors, and NEVER WILL!!!

Q - Good day, Angela - How would you, and BookLocker's attorneys, like to proceed with this inquiry? R.S. ----- ...
email vs blog book selling graphic

Email Newsletter vs. a Blog. Which Sells More Books? By Dawn Colclasure

If you are an author, and don’t yet send out an email newsletter on a regular basis, you're missing out! ...

Four Things to AVOID When Promoting Your Book! By Norm Spitzig

THOSE PESKY "MARKETING" VULTURES When you self-publish a book (I've had a total of five, including my recently released, new ...
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Unorthodox Marketing Techniques to Boost Your Book Sales or Writing Business By Steven Woodard

Relying just on conventional marketing techniques may not be sufficient in the very competitive world of freelance writing and publishing ...

Does This Marketing Company Know the Definition of “Copyright Infringement?”

I was copied on the following email from one of our authors this week. Under his email, you can see ...

Should I Pay Brilliant Books Literary to Showcase My Book at a Book Festival?

An author forwarded an email he received from Brilliant Books Literary / Like many of these types of solicitations, ...

BACK ON OUR SOAPBOX! REPEAT AFTER US: “Real Publicists and Literary Agents Do NOT Spam Authors!” by Angela Hoy and Brian Whiddon

We are receiving DAILY emails from authors all over the world. And, almost all of them begin or end with ...
baby leaving online review

YOU DECIDE: Is This a Book Review Scam?

Q - Hi, Angela, I hope your Holiday was splendid and blessed. Thanks for any help you gave in getting ...

Which Companies are Committing Crimes by Impersonating Legitimate Publishers?

Q - Angela, I am sorry that I keep hitting you with this garbage, but you are the only resource ...

5 Tips to Not “Get Got” in Your Freelance Business! By Jennifer Brown Banks

“Knowledge is power.” As a veteran freelance writer, I can attest to that. There is always some type of risk ...
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SABOTAGE! Another Danger When Accepting Book Returns!!

I recently received the following email: Angela, You may have talked to my brother about his book. This is an ...