
Strange Horizons

Strange Horizons

100% freelance. “A speculative fiction webzine with a global perspective.” Welcomes new writers. Weekly. Pays on Fridays following management receipt of contract. Publishes ms around 6 months after acceptance. Buys first rights for six months. Only accepts reprints for nonfiction articles. Responds in 50-80 days. Guidelines online.

Pays .10/word – $90 (See Current Needs)

New Orleans Review

New Orleans Review

“We are a journal of literature and culture, publishing fiction, nonfiction, poetry, book reviews and interviews since 1968.” Welcomes new writers. Biyearly, occasionally publishes special topic issues. Pays on publication. Publishes ms one week to one year after acceptance. Buys first rights. Responds in one week to eight months. Sample articles available online. Guidelines online

Flash Fiction Online

Flash Fiction Online


“Flash Fiction Online publishes short fiction of 500-1000 words, both originals and reprints, and in a variety of genres including literary, science fiction, fantasy, and horror. We consider flash fiction a complete story in a tiny package. We want developed empathetic characters and discernible resolved plots.” Welcomes new writers. Pays on publication. Publishes ms 4-8 months after acceptance. Buys first worldwide English rights for originals with one year exclusivity, and non exclusive worldwide rights for reprints. Accepts reprints. Responds usually within 48 hours, sometimes up to 10 weeks. Sample copies online. Guidelines online.

Pays $0.08/word for originals and $0.02/word for reprints.

DBS Press: Dracula Beyond Stoker

DBS Press: Dracula Beyond Stoker

“Dracula Beyond Stoker is a fiction journal dedicated to celebrating and continuing the legacy of Bram Stoker’s Dracula. Each issue features 10-12 new stories focusing on a specific aspect of the story whether it be a character, location, theme, etc.” Welcomes new writers. Biannual. Pays on acceptance. Publishes ms within 3-6 months of acceptance. Buys first serial English language, print and electronic rights, exclusively for six months. Accepts reprints 10 years after original publication. Responds in 30-90 days. Guidelines online at.

Pays $0.05/word for new fiction, and $55/article for reprints.

Solarpunk Magazine

Solarpunk Magazine

“Solarpunk Magazine is a bimonthly online publication of radically hopeful science fiction and fantasy with a focus on climate solutions and building a utopian future.” Bimonthly. Pays upon publication, or within 60 days of signing a contract. Publishes ms in 60-180 days. Buys exclusive first worldwide English-language electronic/digital rights (becomes non-exclusive after six months), worldwide non-exclusive audio rights, nonexclusive worldwide English-language (for a period of three years from the date of publication). No reprints. Responds in 30-60 days. Guidelines online.

Pays $0.08/word, $40/poem, and $75/nonfiction article

Radish Fiction

Radish Fiction

“Radish is an exciting mobile fiction platform for serialized storytelling. Our wide variety of stories are published and read in bite-sized installments optimized for smartphone readers. It’s the literary equivalent of addictive TV dramas, right on your phone!” Pays on acceptance. Publishes no more than a month after acceptance. Buys all rights. No reprints. Responds within one week. Guidelines available by email or online.

Pays $50



“The guiding principle of Fiction has always been to go to terra incognita in the writing of the imagination, and to ask that modern fiction set itself serious questions, interrogating the nature of the real and the fantastic. It represents no particular school of fiction, except the innovative. Fiction has traditionally attempted to make accessible the inaccessible, to bring the experimental to a broader audience. As a result of its willingness to publish the difficult, experimental and unusual, Fiction has a unique reputation in the U.S. and abroad as a journal of future directions. We pride ourselves on publishing established writers along with new, emerging voices that have not yet been heard.” Pays on publication. Publishes ms 3-12 months after acceptance. Buys First N.A. Rights. No reprints. Guidelines online.

Neon: Machines

Neon: Machines

“Neon is a magazine of slipstream fiction, poetry, and artwork. We publish creative work that is fantastic or surreal, and which crosses the boundaries between science-fiction, horror and literary fiction.” Welcomes new writers. Circ. 2K. Publishes bi-annual. Pays on acceptance. Publishes ms within one year of acceptance. Buys non-exclusive, one-time, worldwide serial and digital rights, and archive rights. Accepts reprints. Responds in 1-6 months. Guidelines online.

Pays £0.02/word for prose, and £0.20/line for poetry.

Sci Phi Journal

Sci Phi Journal

Ádám Gerencsér and Mariano Martín Rodríguez, co-editors. 80% freelance. “Sci Phi Journal explores the intersection of speculative philosophy, cosmological, anthropological and theological SFF through conceptual (idea- rather than character-driven) fiction and FNF (fictional non-fiction).” Welcomes new writers. Quarterly. Pays on publication. Publishes ms within 2 months of acceptance. Buys first digital publication rights. No reprints. Responds in 1-2 weeks. Guidelines online.

Pays £0.03/word for fiction, £0.01/word for translations for up to 2K words.