111 Hastings St. W., Suite 210
Vancouver Alberta, Canada V6B 1H4
Website: https://www.geist.com/
Guidelines: https://www.geist.com/writers/submit
Editor: Dayna Mahannah, Editor in Chief,
Email address: geist@geist.com
About The Publication:
“Geist is a magazine of ideas and culture with a strong literary focus and a sense of humour. The Geist tone is intelligent, plain-talking, inclusive and offbeat. Each issue represents a convergence of fiction, non-fiction, poetry, photography, comics, reviews, little-known facts of interest, cartography and the legendary Geist crossword puzzle.” Quarterly. Pays on publication. Publishes ms within 6 months of acceptance. Buys First N.A. Rights. No reprints. Responds within 6 months. Guidelines online.
Pays CAD $0.40/word, and a flat rate for poetry, photograph and art.
Current Needs:
“Geist is always seeking short (800-1200 words) non-fiction, typically personal narrative, for the Notes & Dispatches section. Notes & Dispatches are brief and often humorous or lighthearted evocations of life (most often) set in the land north of America, written in plain language with strong verbs. They are usually first hand reports of apparently simple encounters—with people, places, objects—that capture the spirit of our time. We also publish fiction, poetry, and photography/art.” Pays CAD $0.40/word, and a flat rate for poetry, photograph and art. Submit complete ms with brief bio by email.
Pays CAD $0.40/word, and a flat rate for poetry, photograph and art.
“Submit artwork by mail, send digital media or photocopies only—no originals.”
Welcomes New Writers: Yes