


“Annual, 224pp, perfect bound; publishes the best fiction, CNF, and poetry available; features an author interview in each issue; currently in 16th year of publication.” Fiction and Creative Nonfiction almost 100% freelance; Poetry by invitation only. Welcomes new writers. Pays on publication (July). Publishes ms six months after acceptance. Buys First N.A. Serial Rights. No reprints. Responds to queries within 3 days during publishing season; otherwise 6 months.
Does not encourage queries. Sample copy $10 by check. No subscriptions. Guidelines online.

Pays $50-$250.

Hotghostwriter Ltd.

Hotghostwriter Ltd.

“We are a fast-paced, growing ghostwriting service that can provide you with consistent and exciting projects week after week! Our mission is to provide the highest quality novels and a great experience to our clients, and we want you to be part of this mission.” Pays on acceptance. Buys all rights. No reprints. Responds within 48 hours. Guidelines available by email.

Pays $13.00.

Vestal Review

Vestal Review

“Launched in March of 2000, Vestal Review is the world’s oldest magazine dedicated exclusively to flash fiction.” Welcomes new writers. Bi-annual. Pays on publication. Publishes ms 3-4 months after acceptance. Buys First N.A. serial rights. No reprints. Responds within 3 months.

Pays $25 flat fee for 10-500 words and $100 for the annual VERA award.



“Albedo One is primarily a fiction magazine specializing in Science Fiction, Horror and Fantasy (Modern, Urban – no High Fantasy) We also feature book reviews and author interviews.” 70% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Circ. 800. Bi-annual in print; weekly online. Pays on publication. Publishes ms 6 months to 2 years after acceptance. Buys first rights. Accepts reprints under special circumstances. Responds within 3 months. Sample articles at website. Subscription €32.00. Guidelines online at .

Normal Deviation

Normal Deviation

“Normal Deviation is a short fiction anthology inspired by a throwaway tweet and one weird-ass picture. Visit our Call for Submissions (link below) to see the picture, then write a short story based on the image. Deadline for stories is 31 Aug 2017.” Annual (May). Pays on acceptance. Publishes ms 6 months after acceptance. Buys first rights. No reprints. Usually responds within 1-2 weeks; decisions on manuscripts will be in Sept/Oct of each year. Guidelines online at .