Westerly Magazine
University of Western Australia M202, 35 Stirling Hwy
Crawley, WA 6009, Australia 6009
Phone: (08)6488 3404
Website: https://westerlymag.com.au
Guidelines: https://westerlymag.com.au/contribute
Editor: Catherine Noske
Email address: westerly@uwa.edu.au
About The Publication:
“Since 1956, Westerly has been publishing lively fiction and poetry as well as intelligent articles. The magazine has always sought to provide a Western Australian-based voice, although its contributors and subject matter have never been geographically exclusive. It covers literature and culture throughout the world, but maintains a special emphasis on Australia, particularly Western Australia, and the Asian region.” Welcomes new writers. Bi-annual. Pays on publication. Period between acceptance and publication varies. Buys non-exclusive rights (rights remain with each writer). No reprints. Responds within one to two days. “Writers can get a sample of our publication through our website: free download of online special issues, full digital archive.”
Pays $180 to subscribers for stories ($135 + subscription for
non-subscribers); $180 to subscribers for essays ($135 + subscription
Current Needs:
Poetry, fiction and creative non-fiction, essays and
Pays $180 to subscribers for stories ($135 + subscription for
non-subscribers); $180 to subscribers for essays ($135 + subscription
for non-subscribers); $120 to subscribers for poems ($75+ subscription
for non-subscribers); $120 to subscribers for visual arts/intro essay ($75 + subscription for non-subscribers) and $100 to subscribers for reviews ($55 +
subscription for non-subscribers). Word/page count limits – “Poetry:
maximum of five poems, with maximum 50 lines each; Fiction and creative
nonfiction: maximum 3500 words; Essays: maximum 5000 words; Reviews:
between 500-700 words, to be published online or in print.” Submit via
the guidelines.
$135.00/Stories, $135.00/Essays, $75/Poems, $75.00/Visual Arts, $55/Reviews
Welcomes New Writers: Yes